ABA Journal


A Message from Kroll Ontrack

Ontrack PowerControls for Ediscovery Collections

Kroll Ontrack, the leading provider of data recovery, ediscovery and information management products and services, recently announced the availability…

A Message from Cloud9 Real Time

Legal Cloud Solutions: Ethics & Security Standards Resolved

Law firms are moving to the Cloud at increasingly high rates for numerous reasons; The influx in multiple office firms, remote locations, increased IT costs, principles needing to have access…

A Message from Westlaw

Putting the Most Diverse Team Out on the Field

Many of us have heard for quite a few years that we want to be the ones with “the best team on the field.” In law firms, this typically refers…

A Message from LexisNexis

Are You a “Sensitive” Lawyer?  Mass Torts Need Your Love

When Caring and Sharing Make a Difference

Warm-and-fuzzy. It usually describes a basket full of kittens, not the normally desirable traits that one looks for in a lawyer. But…

A Message From NetDocuments

Top 5 Reasons Why Law Firms Are Switching Document Management to the Cloud

Today more than ever, Law Firms are adopting Disaster Recovery Strategies and implementing plans that will enable their business to survive a fire or natural disaster.

For over a decade…

A Message from WestlawNext

The Sound of One Hand Typing

My husband looks up as he is eating his breakfast, a bit awestruck. For a few moments I wonder what could possibly be holding his attention. “Taking multitasking to a…

A Message from Catalyst

Five Reasons the Cloud Beats an Appliance for Big Data E-Discovery

Big data can mean big headaches for legal professionals involved in electronic discovery. In large-scale litigation, the task of collecting and sifting through electronically stored information can be gargantuan, both…

A Message from LexisNexis

Social Media Is Now An Institution…Are You Committed?

Why Informational Posts, Tweets, and Shares Can Be Critical

Here is a case where an insanity defense isn’t needed – it’s for the use of social media during times of…

A Message from Citrix ShareFile

Protect client data, improve workflow

Law firms need a secure, cost-effective method of sharing confidential documents. Virtual data rooms provide an advanced way to protect data and share information with the correct parties. They also…

A Message from WestlawNext

Who Discovers Key Legal Developments First – You or Your Clients?

You’ve done your research, but still, there’s the nagging question…was it enough? When you are drafting a pleading, or working through how to position an argument for a motion, are…

Advertising: A Message from Catalyst

3 Reasons Why a Cloud Based e-Discovery Platform Cuts Costs

In the field of e-discovery, where tackling mounds of data is the greatest challenge, technology is indispensable. Specialized applications enable legal teams to search and review volumes of data that…


Invisible Is Good … for Superheroes, Not Lawyers

Why “Blending In” Online Equals Missing Out on Potential Clients

The imagined power of invisibility can work to your benefit in some instances: observing something that may not have…

A Message from Recommind

When is Predictive Coding the Right Choice for Your Case?

This webcast will focus primarily on the overall return on investment realized by using predictive coding and will shed light on the savings that can be achieved regardless…

A Message from ShareFile

How to Make Secure File Exchange Easy

Attorneys, administrators and other legal professionals do their best to protect sensitive data, but many options don’t meet security or functionality needs. Shipping does not work for transferring time-sensitive files.…

A Message from WestlawNext

Writing Competition Awards To Be Presented at U.S. Supreme Court

Recently, the ABA Section of International Law sponsored the Rona R. Mears Student Writing Competition & Scholarship Awards to…

A Message From Catalyst

New Approach to Predictive Coding Increases Flexibility and Efficiency

Predictive Ranking

New Approach to Predictive Coding Increases Flexibility and Efficiency

Most articles about technology assisted review (TAR) start with dire warnings about the explosion in electronic data. In most…

A Message from Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P.

A Conspiracy of Note (and your withdrawal should be too)

While Hollywood has elevated some conspiracies to infamy (see http://www.imdb.com/video/screenplay/vi3309371929/), in real life it isn’t uncommon for conspiracy participants to claim that while they might have attended meetings…

A Message from Kroll Ontrack

5 Daunting Problems Facing Ediscovery

Kroll Ontrack took a look at the largest ediscovery issues facing corporations and law firms over the next five years and has compiled the findings in…

A Message from WestlawNext

Mobile Devices in Court: Benefits and Pitfalls

Tablets and other mobile devices are beneficial in a court setting, not only for your preparedness and your argument but also for your back. These devices allow for quick access…

A Message from Recommind

Study Shows “Traditional Linear Review” Almost Accounts for 73% of e-Discovery Costs

Many legal departments are struggling for ways to reduce, or at least stop growth in their legal budgets. One of the obvious targets for cost reduction in any legal department…

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Topics: Career & Practice

Victim advocate fired for misdirected 'panties' email sues district attorney's office for its comments

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A Law Clerk's Transition: From umpire’s apprentice to fighter in the ring

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'Shaping the Bar' author says bar exam protects legal profession, not public

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