ABA Journal


A Message from Thomson Reuters Legal Solutions

Gain Control of Your Day With This Matter Management Checklist

Did you know up to 40% of the time in a small law firm is spent on administrative work? And, according to the 2016 State of U.S. Small Law Firms…

A Message from LawPay

Law Firm Security Step 4: Protect Your Internal Systems

In today’s digital world, computers can be a treasure trove for an online attacker and can also provide a jumping-off point to reach other systems or online accounts. There are…

A Message from Thomson Reuters Practical Law

Free CLE: Hot Topics in Advertising and Marketing on Social Media

Date: Wednesday, September 13, 2017 Time: 1:00 p.m. — 2:15 p.m. ET

Every company wants to harness the tremendous power and reach of social media for their advertising and marketing…

A Message from AbacusNext

More Than 11,000 Open Cases And A Life Outside The Law Office

There are low volume law firms and high volume law firms. And then there’s Law Offices of Peter C. Merani, a New York insurance law firm with more than 11,000…

A Message from Thomson Reuters Practical Law

New Podcast Episode! Why Litigators Should Take E-Discovery Seriously

Treatises, case law, Google…. what do they have in common?

When you need answers, none of these will get you started faster than walking down the hall to chat with…

A Message from Tabs3 Software

Pressured To Buy a Billing Software Subscription? You Won’t Be With Tabs3.

Timeslips recently joined the list of software providers that pressure you to pay a subscription to keep using the software. If you do not pay their mandatory annual subscription, then…

A Message from Thomson Reuters Firm Central

Firm Central Time & Billing: The Transformers of Legal Billing Systems

Attorneys are well aware that, to be able to run a successful law practice, they need to be able to complete their billing in a timely and efficient manner.


A Message From Thomson Reuters Small Law

What Impacts Your Bottom Line?

Tick tock, tick tock…How’s Your Year Shaping Up? Focusing on what matters in a smaller law firm.

What impacts your bottom line? Back in January, we published a blog series…

A Message from AbacusNext

FREE WHITE PAPER – On Message: Using Law Firm Technology Platforms to Prompt Referrals

Referrals are the holy grail of law firm marketing, in large part because it’s easier to have someone else selling your services, than it is to do it yourself. While…

A Message From Thomson Reuters Small Law

Can Your Law Firm Operate Without An Office?  Answers to Your Virtual Firm Questions.

Solo attorneys and small firms may be reluctant to add a virtual component to their firms, which often means trading in physical space for virtual software and storage in the…

A Message from LawPay

Law Firm Security Step 3: Fortify Your Network

Wi-Fi networks make it easy to connect the systems in your practice, both to each other and the outside world. However, they often make it easy for an intruder to…

A Message from Thomson Reuters Small Law

From Overworked Lawyer to Happier Lawyer with This Matter Management Checklist

Many lawyers start law firms without management experience. They get by thanks to their legal skills but could earn more and have more free time if they ran a tighter…

A Message From Thomson Reuters Small Law

Are Your Client Communications Secure?  What You Need to Know About the New ABA Opinion.

The American Bar Association’s Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility issued Formal Opinion 477 on May 11, 2017 advising lawyers to ensure the security of their client…

A Message from AbacusNext

FREE INFOGRAPHIC – Virtual Reality: Cloud-Based Infrastructures Save Law Firms

The pressing needs for security, scalability, accessibility and unified communications management has spurned the “Law Office in the Cloud” evolution. The fact is – cloud-based infrastructures save law firms. But…

A Message from Thomson Reuters Practical Law

A Better Starting Point Found Right Here.

What if you could confidently respond to your clients’ questions in hours, not days? Every attorney wants to produce quality work to satisfy clients. But growing client demands make it…

A Message from Tabs3 Software

Replace Timeslips with Tabs3 and Save 15%

If you use Timeslips and are ready for a change, your best option is Tabs3 Billing Software. More firms have successfully switched to Tabs3 from Timeslips than any other billing…

A Message from Microsystems

The Computers Aren’t Stealing Your Jobs. They’re Making Your Firm Stronger.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a concept that many in the profession approach with trepidation, with worries that an automated system will replace the work of an attorney. Can a computer…

A Message from Thomson Reuters Firm Central

Client Portals Offer Time And Cost Savings – And Stronger Client Engagement

For practicing attorneys, regular communication with clients is a normal part of life. After all, you’ll likely need information from your clients on an ongoing basis to best serve their…

A Message from Thomson Reuters Practical Law

Deal Protections and Remedies: A Study of Public Merger Agreements in 2016

How have buyers and target companies responded to recent changes in Delaware law when negotiating public M&A deals?

Find out by reviewing the comprehensive Deal Protections and Remedies Study by

A Message from LawPay

Law Firm Security Step 2: Strengthen Your Passwords

Your network, PC, email, and many applications have one critical element in common: they are only as secure as the passwords you created for them. Security researchers have consistently found…

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