ABA Journal


A Message from AbacusNext

FREE WHITE PAPER – On Message: Using Law Firm Technology Platforms to Prompt Referrals

Referrals are the holy grail of law firm marketing, in large part because it’s easier to have someone else selling your services, than it is to do it yourself. While…

A Message from Thomson Reuters Small Law

Should You Consider a Virtual Law Firm?

Are you still debating a move to “the cloud?” Many small law firms are successfully moving part – or even all – of their practice to a virtual setting through…

A Message from Tabs3 Software

Start Improving Your Firm’s Profitability in Three Steps

Three Steps You Can Take Now to Improve Your Firm’s Profitability and Organization

Step One: Purchase Great Software with Great Service

Before you can excel at managing your firm, you…

A Message from Thomson Reuters on Public Records

Free Public Records Searches May End Up Costing Time and Money

Whether investigating a party or witness in anticipation of trial, attempting to verify an individual’s identity, or simply conducting exploratory research before initiating a legal action, public records

A Message from LawPay

Law Firm Security Step 1: Identify Your Cyber Assets & Secure Your Sensitive Data

In today’s world of evolving technology and web-based law firm operations, data security has never been more critical. Fortunately, there are simple, manageable steps that all firms can take to…

A Message from Thomson Reuters Westlaw

Are Secondary Sources Necessary for Legal Research?

Secondary Sources. Although they cannot be directly relied upon as legal authority, secondary sources remain some of the most important authorities to employ in legal arguments.

As most attorneys learned…

A Message from Abacus Next

Abacus Next - Blog: How To Stay Competitive As A Lawyer In Today’s Tech Landscape

Abacus Next – Blog

How to Stay Competitive as a Lawyer in Today’s Tech Landscape

In today’s legal arena, the words “current” and “competitive” should be used interchangeably with one…

A Message from Tabs3 Software

Report Six-Pack: The Six Firm Management Reports We Recommend to Every Attorney

It’s a common scenario: you start the year optimistic, determined to take your billing productivity and practice to the next level, but with the year almost half over, how have…

A Message From Thomson Reuters Firm Central

Case Study: Firm Central Helps Firm Drive Client Satisfaction, Efficiency and Growth

For most people, change is difficult. It’s human nature to be more comfortable with the status quo, it’s why people stick with a less-than perfect cell phone provider or cable…

A Message from Abacus Next

Abacus Next – Blog: Managed Legal Services in the Cloud

Abacus Law – Blog

Managed Legal Services in the Cloud

More attorneys and law firms are adopting cloud computing services in order to improve the way they operate…

A Message from Abacus Next

Improve Productivity At Your Law Firm With Technology

“There are two types of lawyers. Lawyers who run their firms as businesses and those who have jobs disguised as legal practices.”

Like it or not a law practice is…

A Message from SAP

Navigating the Trends Driving Change in an Increasingly Digital Legal Industry


The legal industry is undergoing unprecedented change. Driven by a globalized economy and fast-changing customer demands, law firms are committed to being at the forefront of…

A Message from Abacus Data Systems

A Case For the Cloud: Why Law Firms Should Stop Managing Technology

Whether a sole practitioner or legal enterprise behemoth, law firms and legal entities of all sizes are faced with a surprisingly similar array of technology challenges. Paramount among these is…

A Message from Illinois State Board of Investment

Request For Proposals, Investment Counsel Legal Services


Investment Counsel Legal Services


The Illinois State Board of Investment previously solicited proposals from outside legal counsel to provide investment and tax…

A Message from Thomson Reuters Westlaw

6 Ways to Improve Your Legal Research in 2017

Digital disruption has been a major game-changer for the legal industry for decades, but this disruption is continuing to pick up speed. The demand for legal services is evolving as…

A Message from BigHand

One Simple Way to Improve Productivity at The Office and On The Go

Being an attorney today looks nothing like it did even 10 years ago. As an attorney, you are expected to be accessible and productive whether you are in the office…

A Message from Thomson Reuters Westlaw

How Gen Y and Gen Z are Changing the Future of Legal Research and Technology

During a recent interview with Erik Lindberg, Senior Director for Westlaw Product Management, not only did I get the scoop on the latest emerging technologies from Westlaw, but…

A Message from Amicus Attorney

Five Ways That You Can Provide Better Client Service

The legal landscape is more competitive than ever. Client expectations are changing, and as a lawyer, your expectations should change too. You can no longer take your clients for granted.…

A Message from Thomson Reuters Firm Central

Top Ten Reasons to Love Firm Central—A Small Law Firm’s Point of View

Dear ABA Members,

My name is Sherry Rydberg, Legal Assistant at Molloy Law in Fort Myers, Florida.

Since small law firms never seem to have enough people, time, or money,…

A Message from Thomson Reuters Practice Point

Using Legal Technology to Meet Client Expectations

Client expectations have changed. Not only do your clients expect fast results, but the results must be accurate and comprehensive. With technology evolving the way you work, your practice has…

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Topics: Career & Practice

Chicago lawyer writes about being GOAT at New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest

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Hidden Talent Pool in Plain Sight: Corporate America wants you—for nonlegal roles

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'Shaping the Bar' author says bar exam protects legal profession, not public

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