ABA Journal

Latest News


Suspended Pakistani Chief Judge Files Affidavit

Trials and Litigation

$6.6 M in Chicago Priest Abuse Cases; Settlements Total $50 M+

Civil Rights

Same-Sex Civil Unions Tie Lesser Knot

Law Practice

Celebrity Lawyer Chauffeurs Lohan to Rehab

Criminal Justice

Post: Libby Sentence Salvo Suggests Successful Cover-up

Criminal Justice

Top Official gets Death Sentence for Bad Chinese Food

Alberto Gonzales

Gonzales Takes Licking, Keeps Ticking

Criminal Justice

Seven Accused of Killing Pigeon Predators


Ex-Judge Jailed in Child-Support Case

U.S. Supreme Court

Equal Pay Case Fails Before High Court

U.S. Supreme Court

Court Watchers Predict a Roberts School Opinion


Terrorist Informants’ Role Questioned

Securities Law

SEC Pressured to Support Third-Party Liability

Antitrust Law

FTC Reviewing Google Deal

Attorney Fees

Public-Interest Lawyers Seek Fee Rehearing

U.S. Supreme Court

Court Interprets Statutes More than Constitution

Criminal Justice

Prison’s Dementia Unit a First

Labor & Employment

Employers Leery of EEOC Family-Bias Agenda

Legal Marketing

Lawyers Find Clients on MySpace

Lawyer Pay

More Calif. Firms to Pay Associates $160,000

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