Ex-Judge Jailed in Child-Support Case
A former Brooklyn judge has been jailed for failing to pay nearly $270,000 in child support.
Reynold Mason, who was ousted from the bench for taking funds from a client’s escrow account, was led out of the Manhattan courtroom on Thursday in handcuffs, according to the Associated Press.
He had earned $136,000 as a judge, but said he made only $68,000 over two years selling real estate in Georgia, the New York Daily News reports.
Mason’s ex-wife, Tessa Abrams Mason, said she was surprised that Mason showed up. She believes he has hidden assets, but Mason’s lawyer says he cannot pay and has even tried to get loans to cover what he owes.
Abrams Mason told the Daily News in a January interview that her ex-husband had paid local politicians to win a Democratic endorsement for the bench, a charge he denies.