ABA Journal


A Message from WestlawNext

A New Father’s Experience Balancing Life and the Practice of Law

The last three years of my life have been filled with change. I got married three years ago, I became a father two years ago, and this year I started…

A Message from Recommind

How is Predictive Coding revolutionizing the economics of eDiscovery?

Predictive Coding is a court-endorsed process that combines people, technology and workflow to find key documents quickly, irrespective of keyword. Due to its massive accuracy and efficiency gains, Predictive Coding…

A Message from WestlawNext

Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum: Supreme Court to Decide Role of US Courts Abroad

Amicus briefs provide an opportunity for “friends of the court” to offer their own insight on some of the most interesting and important legal issues and cases. This month, law…

A Message from the American Bar Association

Celebrate the Holidays with a Gift from the American Bar Association

During this holiday season, why not treat yourself or someone on your list to an ABA membership?

Accept our gift! Pay today and…

A Message from WestlawNext

Best Practices for Sharing Legal Research

The ability to share legal research and collaborate with others is a significant step forward in maximizing the efficiency of your legal research. Your research retains some aspects of knowledge…

A Message from the American Bar Association

Join the ABA to Save Up to $600 on New Laptops and Desktops from HP

Through January 31, ABA members save $600 on HP EliteBook Folio computers and save $568 on Compaq Pro 4300 All-In-One Desktops.

HP delivers technology solutions and services…

A Message From the American Bar Association

ABA Offers Grand Prize Winner a Trip to Witness Social Justice Abroad!

Enter ABA’s And Justice For All sweepstakes today for a chance to visit an ABA Rule of Law Initiative (ROLI) program…

A Message from the American Bar Association

Don’t Miss this Members-Only Special Offer from Mercedes. Join the ABA Today

Through January 2 only, ABA members receive an additional $1,500 off the purchase or lease of Mercedes E Class cars – that’s a total incentive of $4,000.…

A Message from Advertiser X

Test Advertorial, Non-Legal Rebels

This right here is a little bit of default content so we can test the look and feel of the non-Legal Rebels advertorial content.

Let’s make sure it’s sufficiently differentiable…

A Message from WestlawNext

‘Disrobed’: An Inside Look at the Life and Work of a Federal Trial Judge

Many people ask why I decided to write this book after having been on the federal bench for more than 17 years. My reason is simple: I have come to…

A Message from WestLawNext

Three Productivity ‘Must-Haves’ that Give Me Time to Pursue My Passions

Some who know me—and who know how much I love my practice as a freelance lawyer—might be surprised to see me write an article about how lawyers can find time…

A Message From Westlaw

The Power of You

The Power of You

What part of yourself do you leave at home when you go to work? Maybe you leave behind your really cool glasses and grab your rimless…

A Message From Westlaw

The Drive for Greater Efficiency

When I speak with law firm leaders lately, one thing comes through loud and clear: the challenges and pressures they face are, in many ways, unprecedented.

The legal industry is…

A Message From Westlaw

WestlawNext® iPad® app Extends Access to Attorney Workflow

Attorney Jessica is traveling from Los Angeles to Washington DC to litigate an important case. She is a sought after litigation expert and the large law firm that she works…

A Message From Westlaw

How Legal Research Can Improve Legal Project Management

This past week Mark Medice, Senior Program Director of Peer Monitor, discussed two key trends that are reshaping traditional models of delivering legal…

A Message from Westlaw

Time to Explore New Approaches for Law Firm Management?

Law firms are facing some challenging headwinds. Demand for legal services has been sluggish at best recently (PDF) while rate pressure from clients and rising headcount and expenses…

A Message from Westlaw

Challenges Persist Heading into 2012 Legal Market

The U.S. legal market appears poised to end 2011 with a fairly sluggish overall performance and with mounting pressures on law firm profitability. Although showing signs of recovery during the…

A Message from Westlaw

What Technology Is Your Law Librarian Thinking About This Season?

Will an eReader or the latest iPad be among the gifts you purchase or give this holiday season? Technology’s dizzing pace has led to a variety of training and research…

A Message From Westlaw

Top 10 Tips for Leveraging Cutting-Edge Legal Research Technology to Control Legal Costs and Drive

In this ever-changing and leaner economic environment, corporate legal departments expect outside counsel to deliver more effective and efficient legal services at a lower cost. Simultaneously, in-house counsel are investigating…

A Message from Westlaw

Legal Research Efficiency Means Cost Savings

Resourcefulness and efficiency are no longer attributes that set firms apart – they’re requirements for firms to be successful. Now more than ever, legal departments are demanding greater visibility into…

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Topics: Career & Practice

Victim advocate fired for misdirected 'panties' email sues district attorney's office for its comments

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Your Voice

A Law Clerk's Transition: From umpire’s apprentice to fighter in the ring

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'Shaping the Bar' author says bar exam protects legal profession, not public

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