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A Message from Kroll Ontrack

5 Daunting Problems Facing Ediscovery

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Kroll Ontrack took a look at the largest ediscovery issues facing corporations and law firms over the next five years and has compiled the findings in a report entitled, “5 Daunting Problems Facing Ediscovery.”

This research, which outlines the most significant ediscovery challenges in the next three to five years, was assembled over the past 12 months as a result of interviews with attorneys, paralegals, litigation support professionals and IT staff with ediscovery responsibilities.

“Not more than 15 years ago legal professionals understood little – if anything – about the discoverability of electronically stored information,” said Michele Lange, director of ediscovery thought leadership and industry relations, Kroll Ontrack. “Today, the problem is not understanding the basics of ediscovery or its importance to the practice of law, but rather the daunting dilemma faced by ediscovery practitioners is how to find solutions to address big data volumes, expanding case loads, increasing discovery costs and shrinking litigation budgets. In the past year, we have been honored to discuss these very issues with ediscovery professionals in focus groups, software user communities, partner program meetings and the Kroll Ontrack Client Advisory Board.”

Please click below for your own copy of the report or to watch our webinar on 5 Daunting Problems Facing Ediscovery.

Watch our 5 Daunting Problems Webinar

Read our 5 Daunting Problems report

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