ABA Journal


A Message from ZenCash

One Simple Change That Will Get You Paid Faster?

We’re going to let you in on a secret. And from what we’ve seen, it’s the one change in an invoice follow-up strategy that will make the biggest difference in…

A Message from Catalyst

What You Really Need to Know to Estimate the True Costs of Litigation

The legal community is awash with reports that predictive coding and other forms of technology-assisted review can cut the cost and time of review. But missing from all the hype…

A Message from Amicus Attorney

How Your Law Firm Might Be Losing Big Money (And How to Stop the Bleeding)

Picture your typical day. It began at 8:30a.m. It’s 6:00 p.m. now. The last client has left. It’s you, alone in front of your computer, staring at your time sheet.…

A Message from Daegis

Don’t be an eDiscovery Warning Label

The challenge of ensuring all potentially relevant documents are produced using a reasonable document review process is not to be taken lightly.

The paradigm of discovery review has been altered…

A Message from ZenCash

Training Your Customers to Pay on Time

In this post, I’ll show you how to get your customers in the HABIT of paying on time.

The fact is, we’re creatures of habit. We do things the same…

A Message from Catalyst

Can You Cut the Cost of E-Discovery? This Calculator Tells You

The legal community is awash with reports that predictive coding and other forms of technology-assisted review can cut the cost and time of review. But missing from all the hype…

A Message from WestlawNext

Transforming in a “Small” Way: Practice Management Solutions for Small Law Firms

In January 2013, Mike Suchsland, President of Legal at Thomson Reuters (TR) announced to the world that the company was shifting away from a pure information focus by transforming into…

A Message from AbacusLaw

The 5 biggest mistakes lawyers in all practice areas make (and how to fix them)

Being a lawyer, you have a good understanding of the law, excellent people skills (your clients are delighted with your service and often refer their friends to you), you’re a…

A Message from Clio

3 Technology Tools to Build a Virtual Law Firm

“Lawyers who described their practice as virtual were asked about the defining characteristic of their virtual practice. Fifty-eight percent answered “lack of traditional physical office,” followed by “minimal in-person contact…

A Message from Kroll Ontrack

5 Mistakes Organizations Keep Making in Litigation

To quote the great Bob Dylan and paraphrase Judge Goodman in the Point Blank Solutions v. Toyobo Am., 2011 WL 1456029 (S.D. Fla. Apr. 5, 2011) case “the times they…

A Message from Catalyst

10 Ways to Avoid Ethics Dangers in the Cloud

Cloud computing can be an ethical minefield for lawyers, who have a duty to protect the confidentiality and security of their clients’ data. When they store that data remotely in…

A Message from Thomson Reuters Legal Solutions

Rolling The Dice: Why Traditional A/P Software Is A Dangerous Game For Your Legal Department

Effectively tracking vendor legal matters and spending are of the utmost importance to efficiently managing even a small legal department. Accounts payable (A/P) software can report on some basic spending…

A Message from Catalyst

Time is Money: 4 Ways to Speed Your E-Discovery

E-discovery is the most expensive and time-consuming part of litigation. In the real-world of e-discovery search and review, overcoming challenges is as much about the effective use of modern technology…

A Message from AbacusLaw

WARNING: 6 Common Pitfalls of using Google (And how to protect your law firm)

Over 57% of law firms use a combination of many different utilities to get the job done

From Outlook, Word, Word Perfect and QuickBooks to Google, many firms are trying…

A Message from Citrix ShareFile

Building client trust through security: How GoffWilson keeps client files safe with Citrix ShareFile

When the attorneys at GoffWilson, P.A. needed a more secure and user-friendly way to send client information and files, they turned to

A Message from Sprint

Office 365 Keeps you Connected With Clients and Colleagues While On The Go

Lawyers don’t only practice law from the comfort of their office.

How much easier would life be if only that were the case, right? The reality is that an attorney…

A Message from MyCase

Problems Getting Paid? Learn How To Get Paid In Full And On Time

You didn’t spend all that money on law school to work for free. Collecting your fees is the lifeline of your firm but it can be a difficult task. It…

A Message from AbacusLaw

The 5 biggest mistakes lawyers in all practice areas make (and how to fix them)

Being a lawyer, you have a good understanding of the law, excellent people skills (your clients are delighted with your service and often refer their friends to you), you’re a…

A Message from BigHand

Say what?  Three ways using a mobile voice app and workflow can save you time and money

“Talking is faster than typing.”
“We all dictate, we just call it voicemail.”
“Two hours in traffic and I was able to verbally delegate all of my tasks…

A Message from LexisNexis

Would you like to clone yourself?

It’s tough to be a lawyer who is everywhere at once.

Think about your day as an attorney. Are you busy? Too busy?

Some days you may wish for a…

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Topics: Career & Practice

Victim advocate fired for misdirected 'panties' email sues district attorney's office for its comments

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Your Voice

A Law Clerk's Transition: From umpire’s apprentice to fighter in the ring

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'Shaping the Bar' author says bar exam protects legal profession, not public

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