Lawyers: Use Outdated Software at Your Own Risk...
When looking for ways to cut expenditures, law firms (like all businesses) often “stay put” with their existing software rather than investing for the long term.
It’s an approach that can work in the short run, but sooner or later, if software upgrades are not routinely performed, it can end up costing law firms a significant amount of money and heartache, and can often come at the worst possible time.
Current legal technology consultant and former law firm Office and IT Manager Art Roehrenbeck understands this topic better than anyone. In the whitepaper, Top 5 Reasons Law Firms Should Keep Their Software Up-to-Date, Art covers five critical areas of a law firm’s infrastructure impacted by software.
Download the free Whitepaper – Top Five Reasons Law Firms Should Keep Their Software Up-to-Date
Speaking of being up-to-date, check out Amicus Premium Edition 2014!
Amicus Attorney 2014 has just been released with many exciting new capabilities that help lawyers be mobile, efficient and more profitable than ever, in their practice.
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