Free App Calculates the ROI of Technology-Assisted Review
Want to know whether technology-assisted review (TAR) will save you time and money in your e-discovery matter? Well, now there’s a free app for that.
Catalyst’s new Predict ROI app lets you calculate the savings in time and money you can expect from using Catalyst’s TAR platform, Insight Predict, instead of traditional linear review.
The app is based on the Web version of Catalyst’s ROI Calculator, which was introduced earlier this year. To use it, enter basic information about your review project, including the total number of documents and the hourly billing rates of your first-pass and second-pass reviewers.
Using a typical yield curve, the app then estimates your savings. Calculations are based on your expected results using Catalyst’s proprietary method of TAR, Predictive Ranking, and the platform Catalyst developed to apply it, Insight Predict.
The app is free and is compatible with iPhones, iPads and iPod touch devices running iOS 7.0 or later. Visit the Catalyst Search Blog to learn more:
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