3 Steps For Managing Your Practice On The Go
Between court dates, client meetings, and general life occurrences - it’s impossible to be at a desk all day every day to manage your practice. Running to and from the office can cause a huge loss in productivity and, as we lawyers know, time really does equal money. Mobile technology is an indispensable asset for addressing business and client needs regardless of location.There are different tools and services that can help busy attorneys stay on top of our practice duties without requiring an office chair and desk. Here are three key steps to help you manage your practice more efficiently while being mobile.
According to PC World, PC shipments declined 14% in the first quarter of 2013. Many computer experts are saying within the next 20 year desktop computers will be obsolete. Laptops, tablets, and smartphones offer a much more flexible option for lawyers and these devices are gaining favor and market share over traditional computers. It is important to keep your team and office technology up to speed while this shift takes place to ensure you stay ahead of the curve and at an advantage over your competitors. Giving your firm the ability to work on a portable device away from the desk will increase the flexibility, mobility, versatility, and overall efficiency of your practice.
Take care of your daily practice requirements for calendaring, contact management, document management, document templates, time and billing, client communications, custom workflows and more – in one solution, accessible from anywhere.
Accessing client files and case information through stacks of filing cabinets is tedious and unproductive. Using a cloud-based practice management system will not only save lawyers much needed time but will also save face to lawyers who would have otherwise arrived at a meeting with an old version of a briefing or worse yet, no document at all - instead, the up-to-date document will always be at the tip of their fingers by way of a portable device. Make sure the software you choose has a free mobile app for you and your clients to ensure flexibility.
Another advantage is time tracking while on the go. With the law practice management app you can enter your time while out of the office or when unexpected calls come up - no more lost billable time.
MyCase web-based law practice management software is excited to offer ABA Journal readers an exclusive promotion. Now, get 30 days free, plus 50% off your next 3 months with MyCase. Use promo code: ABAJ1113 at sign up.
If you’re going mobile, you have to embrace technology. Leave your briefcase at the office and lean on the tools available today to differentiate your practice and delight your clients. Stay educated about best practices with these solutions. Make sure security, confidentiality, and basic use measures are understood within the firm. If you do this, you will be able to practice more, manage less and revolutionize your practice.
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