ABA Journal


A Message from AbacusLaw

The 4 Most Common Reasons Law Firms in all Practice Areas Fail (and how to avoid them)

Being a lawyer, you have a good understanding of the law, excellent people skills (your clients are delighted with your service and often refer their friends to you), you’re a…

A Message from Clio

Tools for Building a Virtual Law Firm

“Lawyers who described their practice as virtual were asked about the defining characteristic of their virtual practice. Fifty-eight percent answered “lack of traditional physical office,” followed by “minimal in-person contact…

A Message from Citrix ShareFile

How to Share Large Files and Not Large Hassles

In today’s digital age, keeping client information and data secure is more difficult than ever, and security precautions often add inconvenient additional steps to your already full workload. Law firms…

A Message from Iron Mountain

Using Information Governance as a Foundation for a 24/7 Law Firm

As mobile lawyers continue to stretch their traditional four wall office, their law firms are implementing new technologies, processes and…

A Message from ZenCash

3 Simple Changes that Guarantee You’ll Get Paid Faster

We are going to let you in on a few secrets. And from what we’ve seen, these are the three changes in an invoice follow-up strategy that will make the…

A Message from MyCase

Go Paperless Or Go Home

If your firm hasn’t yet gone paperless, 2014 is the year to do it. That’s because digital documents give you more flexibility and 24/7 accessibility. Once you’ve moved all or…

A Message from Cloud9

Top 7 Reasons Why Law Firms Are Moving to Cloud Servers

Have you ever seen the movie Who killed the Electric Car? That’s what many think is next for the in-house server. Cloud Technology has been on an uphill rise for…

A Message from Amicus Attorney

Lawyers: Use Outdated Software at Your Own Risk…


When looking for ways to cut expenditures, law firms (like all businesses) often “stay put” with their existing software…

A Message from Daegis

What does the future of Technology-Assisted Review (TAR) mean to your future?

TAR 1.0 provides a strong foundation but is still too complex

The first generation of predictive coding or TAR tools were added or “bolted-on” to existing review platforms to assess…

A Message from MyCase

Is Cloud Computing The Way Of The Future?

Cloud computing: it’s the future of computing. That’s why so many businesses, including law firms, are moving to the cloud more quickly than ever before. Cloud computing isn’t a fad…

A Message from ZenCash

3 Keys to Dealing With Financially Troubled Clients

Times are tough. Even though the economy appears to be slowly improving, clients are still hanging on for dear life and struggling with the financial repercussions of recent years. Growth…

A Message from WestlawNext

Leverage Technology to Drive Profit: Must-Read for Small Law Firms

With clients pressing your income down, and economic changes pushing costs up, how can a small firm grow profitability? Recently the head of Thomson Reuters’ small law firm business, Karl…

A Message from Catalyst

Free App Calculates the ROI of Technology-Assisted Review

Want to know whether technology-assisted review (TAR) will save you time and money in your e-discovery matter? Well, now there’s a free app for that.

Catalyst’s new A Message from JAMS

5 Must Have Criteria For Choosing A Class Action/Mass Tort ADR Provider

There is no room for uncertainty when choosing an ADR provider to help resolve class actions, mass torts, or multidistrict litigation (MDL). These are high-stakes, time-sensitive disputes with little margin…

A Message from MyCase

3 Law Firm Marketing Channels To Focus On For 2014 Success

With 2014 just around the corner, now is the time to prepare for your success in the new year. So what is it that you are trying to accomplish next…

A Message from Workshare

Work Reinvented - The New Mobile Attorney

The volume of documents being shared electronically is ever increasing, and in parallel so are the levels of awareness around document security. In particular, the risks associated withA Message from MyCase

3 Steps For Managing Your Practice On The Go

Between court dates, client meetings, and general life occurrences - it’s impossible to be at a desk all day every day to manage your practice. Running to and from the…

A Message from Daegis

Why the Right Process Always Gets the Right Results

The process of litigation review is just as crucial to the success of a project as the deliverable.

The increasing volume and complexity of matters, coupled with rapid advancements in…

A Message from Thomson Reuters Legal Solutions

Beyond Page Rank: Looking to beef up your online marketing? Stop fixating on search engine rank

Many law firms share a common bias about online marketing: It’s all about how high you rank in search engine results. Many attorneys also…

A Message from Catalyst

The ‘Secret’ Side of Technology-Assisted Review: Read the Report

Predictive coding and other forms of technology-assisted review (TAR) are touted for their ability to help litigators sift through huge volumes of electronically stored information and identify the documents they…

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Topics: Career & Practice

Victim advocate fired for misdirected 'panties' email sues district attorney's office for its comments

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A Law Clerk's Transition: From umpire’s apprentice to fighter in the ring

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'Shaping the Bar' author says bar exam protects legal profession, not public

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