“Why access PACER any other way?”
The fastest and easiest way to manage your federal district court documents. Try it free.
Recently featured in the March 2014 edition of the ABA Journal, PacerPro is a web-based service that provides its users with a streamlined, modern interface to the PACER system, saving its users time and money managing their federal district court litigation.
Key Features
• Batch downloading. Download multiple documents with a single click.
• Free Documents. Previously downloaded documents are free.
• Simultaneous searches. Search across one or more district courts in real time.
• Aggregated results. Say goodbye to wading through multiple web pages to see complete results.
• Automatic PDF labeling. PacerPro saves you time by sensibly labeling your documents.
• Bookmarking. Once you’ve found a case on PacerPro, you’ll never need to search for it again.
• One-click docket update. Dockets update at the push of a button.
• Advanced docket search tools. Locate the right record with robust search options, including boolean and proximity searching.
Sign up for your free account at: www.pacerpro.com
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