How To Move Your Practice To The Cloud
Moving Your Law Practice To The Cloud
You’ve decided it’s time to move your law practice into the cloud. You’ve researched your options and you’ve picked the perfect web-based law practice management system for your law firm. Now what? How do you go about making the switch? In this white paper, you’ll learn the easiest ways to transition to a web-based law practice management platform. Whether you’re currently using server-based law practice management software, are switching from another web-based provider, or starting from scratch, you’ll discover that it’s really not as difficult a process as you might think.
Your Implementation Roadmap Will Vary
The path you’ll choose depends on whether you are just starting to establish your practice management system for a new law firm or already have existing software programs (“legacy systems”) in place.
Things To Consider
• Does the law practice management software have an open API so that outside developers can build on it?
• Does it integrate with popular services, such as Dropbox, Outlook, or Google Apps?
• Does the company assist with data migration?
• What types of data can be imported?
• Can you integrate folders or do you have to upload every document separately?
• Does the law practice management software integrate and automatically sync with accounting software such as QuickBooks?
• Can you send invoices to your clients through the system? Can your clients pay their bills online?
Starting From Scratch
If you’ve just recently hung out your shingle, building a cloud-based system from the ground up is the way to go. At this stage, it is helpful to think about the big picture and envision where your firm will be in five or ten years. Implement software systems and procedures that you expect will stand the test of time. As technology continues to advance, your clients will expect more in terms of communication and access. Having a cloud-based management system simply makes good business sense. For lawyers just starting out, integrating cloud-computing platforms into your practice will be a relatively simple matter since …
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