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A Message from Amicus Attorney

The Top Five Signs You Need a Legal Practice Management System (Or a Better One)

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Read an excerpt from the Top Five Signs You Need a Legal Practice Management System (Or a Better One) report…

“Practice management systems have existed since the inception of the law firm. When law firms started buying PCs for word processing, practice management moved from pen and paper to software. Today’s best products have grown from simple tools that mimicked the old paper-based systems into sophisticated tools that can handle the diverse needs of any law practice, including shared calendars, time tracking and billing, document and email management, document assembly, client relations and marketing, and much more.

“Many law firms try to use Microsoft Outlook as their practice management system. They create client folders to organize email, assign priority codes to tasks, and add clients as contacts in the address book. This may work for a solo who works for one client such as an insurance company, but once you get beyond the most basic of law firms Outlook simply doesn’t cut it.

“For example, multiple clients, an assistant, an associate attorney, or a partner all create complexities that exceed Outlook’s capabilities. In short order, your assistant misfiles a document and enters an appointment on the wrong calendar, while your associate or partner sends the client the wrong document.

“This and many other errors not to mention inefficiencies indicate that you need a dedicated legal practice management system.…

After laying the above groundwork, TechnoLawyer columnist, lawyer, and technologist Seth Rowland goes on to discuss the top five problems that an insufficient practice management system causes and explains how a well-designed practice management system addresses each of them. He concludes with a handy checklist to gauge where your law firm stands regarding the state of the art in practice management.

Download the Free Whitepaper - Top Five Signs You Need a Legal Practice Management System (Or a Better One.

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