ABA Journal


A Message from Wells Fargo Private Bank

What’s Hiding in Your Bond Portfolio? Identifying Risks and Opportunities

Prepared by George Rusnak, Managing Director, National Director of Fixed Income; J. Patrick Frith, CFA® Senior Fixed Income Style Manager; Lorely A. Machin, CFA® Senior Fixed Income Investment/Manager; Linda Boggs,…

A Message from DecisionQuest

Top 20 List for Conducting Jury Research

DecisionQuest, the nation’s leading trial consulting firm, is pleased to announce a major expansion to the firm’s jury consulting group with the appointment of several new employees nationwide. In adding…

A Message from Clio

5 Steps to an Easy(ier) Year End

It’s year end, which, for a lot of solo and small law firms, means digging through spreadsheets and boxes of receipts as they try to finalize their finances for 2014.…

A Message from Tabs3 Software

Exclusive Free Webinar: How to Automatically Name and Store Documents the Easy Way

You need to find a document that your client sent to you over a year ago. It is extremely urgent. You have five minutes.

In our webinar on March 10th,…

A Message from Citrix ShareFile

3 Tips for Making BYOD Work for Your Firm

No one likes carrying both a personal and business mobile device. That’s why more attorneys are turning to Bring Your Own Device programs to streamline work and life. However, some…

A Message from Tabs3 Software

Exclusive Free Webinar: Is Your Billing and Practice Management Software a Good Fit for Your Firm?

Does your billing and practice management software fit your firm’s needs, or are you spending too much time on workarounds that don’t make sense?

In our 30 minute webinar, exclusive…

A Message from Clio

Modern Metrics for the Entrepreneurial Lawyer

If you’re a solo or small firm lawyer (and there’s a 70% chance you are), let’s face it—you’re not only a lawyer, you’re also an entrepreneur; responsible for the day-to-day…

A Message from Tabs3 Software

Exclusive Free Webinar: Is Your Billing and Practice Management Software Slacking Off?

If your billing and practice management software is slacking off, you’re working harder than you have to!

In our 30 minute webinar on November 12, exclusive to ABA Journal readers,…

A Message from Amicus Attorney

Is Your Website Helping or Hurting Your Law Firm?

Building and Rebuilding Your Website

We must acknowledge that all websites are not created equal. In fact, most web industry professionals agree that the vast majority of websites suffer from…

A Message from JAMS

Four Reasons to Mediate Your Employment Case Early

Considering the ever-increasing costs of litigation and that most employment disputes are dismissed or settled before going to trial, counsel should give serious thought to early mediation for these matters.…

A Message from Amicus Attorney

The Top 5 Ways that Lawyers Miss Opportunities Online

Let’s face it… Leading web marketing authorities agree that 19 out of 20 websites need major work, and the legal industry is no exception. As in any competitive, service-based marketplace,…

A Message from Ooma

Five Reasons Why Small Law Firms Are Using VoIP for their Phone Service

An updated phone system is often low on the “to do” list for a small legal practice. And during a move or opening a new office many simply call the…

A Message from AbacusLaw

12 Proven Ways the Cloud Helps Law Firms Do More With Less

Is your firm spending too much time trying to solve technology problems?

No matter what size your firm is, the need for technology solutions is growing. But with an ever-expanding…

A Message from Citrix ShareFile

Is Your Firm Suffering From (and Risking Business with) a BYOD Problem?

Smartphones and tablets are ubiquitous in today’s world. We keep our emails, calendars, conversations —basically our whole lives — in check with our mobile devices. They’re a business necessity. And…

A Message from Tabs3 Software

Don’t Rely on Outlook to Manage Your Legal Practice: Practice Management Software v. Outlook

The best way to think about the difference between Outlook and practice management software is the old expression, “Jack of all trades, and master of none.” Microsoft designs Outlook to…

A Message from AccessData

What does the ‘Smart’ in Smartphone Mean?

Today the average American’s smartphone holds more electronic information than was stored in our PCs just a decade ago. It is estimated that smartphone users worldwide will reach 1.75 billion…

A Message from Amicus Attorney

Why the Stars Have (Finally) Aligned for Document Assembly in Law Firms

Anything that helps us quickly and easily draft better, more reliable documents is a huge help to our law practices. That’s why document assembly - the use of software to…

A Message from WestlawNext

Why Your Next Conversation with a Westlaw Consultant Will Be So Very Different

Successful small law firms have changed, and there is no sign of changing back. Firms are more agile, more focused on profitability, and more in-tune with the needs of better-educated…

A Message from Thomson Reuters

Considering a Mobile Practice? Essential Reading for Today’s Lawyers

Are you challenged by the costs and logistics of maintaining your office, distracting you from the practice of law?

Many small firms are successfully moving part—or even all—of their practice…

A Message from McAfee

5 Easy Tips to Help Protect Your Law Practice & Clients from Becoming Vulnerable to Cybercrime

Cybercrime is a growth industry. The returns are great, and the risks are low. The Center for Strategic and International Studies

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Topics: Career & Practice

Chicago lawyer writes about being GOAT at New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest

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Your Voice

Hidden Talent Pool in Plain Sight: Corporate America wants you—for nonlegal roles

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'Shaping the Bar' author says bar exam protects legal profession, not public

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