Free CLE: What Every Litigator Needs to Know About Big Data and Litigation
Free Seminar, CLE Credit Available
Digital files have replaced banker boxes, but most legal professionals are still working with information the old-fashioned way–case by case, file by file.
All this is changing. Just like Internet search engines revolutionized the way we find information, new software tools are making it easy to mine PACER’s 1 billion document database for meaningful judge, attorney, and party information.
The new era means possibilities no brick-and-mortar lawyer can afford to ignore, and opportunities no savvy counselor will want to forgo.
Get up-to-date: Join us for a one hour discussion of the key tools and trends that are impacting litigation today and learn what every litigator needs to know now about Big Data.
Bob Ambrogi, former editor-in-chief of the National Law Journal Bob Ambrogi is the former editor-in-chief of the the National Law Journal, founding editor of the national newspaper Lawyers USA and editor-in-chief of Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly and Rhode Island Lawyers Weekly. Honors include the Massachusetts Bar Association’s President’s Award and the 2011 Fastcase 50, honoring “the law’s smartest, most courageous innovators, techies, visionaries and leaders.”
Gavin McGrane, CEO of PacerPro An experienced litigator with a specialty in pre-trial discovery and a background in web design, Gavin has a keen understanding of both technology and the nuts-and-bolts needs of the modern legal practice. As CEO of PacerPro, Gavin focuses on providing practical, user-friendly tools to legal professionals, using hard data to elegantly - and reliably - revolutionize the litigation process.
Daniel Lewis, Co-founder and CEO of Ravel Law Daniel has a JD from Stanford Law (‘12) and a BA from Johns Hopkins. Prior to law school, he worked as a national energy and transportation policy analyst at the Bipartisan Policy Center in Washington, DC.
More about PacerPro:
With close to a billion documents, PACER is the definitive source of information for the Federal Courts. But information without organization doesn’t inform - it distracts. PacerPro’s advanced software tools help cut out the noise, getting you the intelligence you need now.
Get a leg up and sign up for a free PacerPro account now.
ABA Journal “PacerPro makes PACER easier to use. With no cost to sign up, why access PACER any other way?” Full article
“If you have anything to do with the federal courts, do yourself a favor and sign up for a free PacerPro account right now.” Full article
Law Technology News “With a comprehensive, Google-like interface …” Full article
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