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A Message from Tabs3 Software

Four Free Whitepapers: How to Improve Your Practice Management System

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There are so many benefits to having a practice management software, so we are offering four free white papers to help you get started!

Why Microsoft Outlook is Not Practice Management Software

While Microsoft designed Outlook to be general enough that absolutely anyone can use it, a legal practice management software is designed for law firms. That difference can save you time, make it easier to organize your practice, and help you capture more of your billable time. Read on to find the key differences between practice management systems and Microsoft Outlook.

Take the Guesswork out of Finding Your Documents

You may think that your system of filing documents in Window’s Explorer is good enough for your law firm. You have established a protocol on file naming and storage, and all you need to do is make sure you always save documents with the right name and in the correct folder. In reality, when things get busy that is no simple task. Find out how you can take the guesswork out of filing and finding your documents.

How to Start Every Day at Your Law Firm

It is a scientific fact that our brains can only assess and complete one task at a time, but somehow we’ve all been roped into believing that we can multitask our way to the moon. Make your day more organized and manageable by doing this ONE thing in the morning.

Find Out Which Four Pillars of Practice Management are Vital For Success

The reality is that buying a practice management system is a must in today’s law practice, but what is it really going to do for you? Will it make your life harder instead of delivering all of the golden promises you hear from sales people? Find out which four pillars of practice management help your firm become even more successful.

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