ABA Journal

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Entertainment & Sports Law

Yankees’ Giambi to Testify About Steroids

International Law

Bush Aides Plan to Close Gitmo Prison

Law Firms

Tomorrow a ‘Lemonade Day’ at Skadden?

Criminal Justice

Home Search: Did Family See TV Show?

Criminal Justice

Gunman Blames Lawyer for Foreclosure


DOJ Fights State Wiretap Probes

U.S. Supreme Court

Business Consistently Winning Cases

U.S. Supreme Court

Court Raises Bar for Securities Suits

U.S. Supreme Court

Court Upholds Recruiting Rule

U.S. Supreme Court

Court Supports Guidelines Sentences


State Farm Accused of RICO Conspiracy

U.S. Justice Department

DOJ Official Stands by Testimony

U.S. Justice Department

Politics Harmed Career DOJ Lawyers, Officials Say


Judge Ordered to Prison


N.J. AG Nominee Has Prosecution Credentials

Trials & Litigation

Writer Testifies About Troubled Childhood

Securities Law

Backdating Defense Takes a Blow

Legal Ethics

Lawyer Makes Amends for ‘French Fries’ Remark

Law Practice

Crabby at Work? Blame Long Hours

U.S. Supreme Court

Two Precedents Down, More to Come

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