
Attorney Who Gave Up City Job for Kids Forms 'Top Brain' Law Firm With Other Stay-at-Home Moms

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A former London lawyer who gave up a lucrative legal job in the global financial center after she had her first child is now challenging the traditional idea that skilled corporate attorneys have to work at traditional BigLaw firms if they want a challenging legal career.

Eve King joined with other women to form Obelisk Legal Support, which now has around 100 lawyers working flexible hours on projects for other law firms and in-house legal departments, CNN reports. While it was created with stay-at-home moms in mind, men who want flexible schedules are also welcome on the attorney roster.

“This is not a compromise on the part of the lawyer or the client,” said Mateja Simic, who serves as marketing director for Obelisk. “The client is getting ‘top brain’ for their money and the lawyers are totally committed.”

Before they joined forces with Obelisk, its lawyers were earning about $160,000 per year, on average, and they are now getting paid at an equivalent hourly rate, the article says.

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