ABA Journal

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Genealogy sites give law enforcement a new DNA sleuthing tool, but the battle over privacy looms

While law enforcement and the public largely welcome the new wave of forensic genealogy, others worry that privacy rights are being eroded by an investigative approach with little regulatory oversight.

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Political unrest, violence have forced millions to migrate and seek protection of the rule of law

When countries lack the capacity to stop violence and corruption, and their legal and law enforcement systems lack the ability to hold perpetrators responsible, their people often have no other choice but to seek protection elsewhere.

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The Bail Project pays defendants’ bail as part of a plan to end money bail entirely

Modeled after a fund started by public defenders more than a decade ago, the Bail Project not only pays defendants’ bail but connects them to social services and makes sure they show up to court.

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Commercial landlords increasingly found liable for actions of rogue tenants who sell counterfeit goods

Counterfeits are big business, estimated at $509 billion worldwide in 2016. Increasingly since the 1990s, brands are finding a strategy in going after commercial landlords, who often have deeper pockets than the sellers.

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Lawyers are unleashing a flurry of lawsuits to step up the fight against climate change

Traditionally relegated to the statutory realm of environmental and administrative law, a cadre of attorneys and legal scholars has given the climate change issue a creative facelift that may change the legal landscape—and, they say, could determine the fate of humanity.

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Former FBI Director Comey encourages law students to be 'ethical leaders'

It was never one of former FBI Director James Comey’s career goals to be an “unemployed B-list celebrity,” he said, addressing a crowd at the University of Chicago Law School on Tuesday. During a lecture he gave on leadership roles, he said it became his mission to communicate what being an ethical leader means after President Donald Trump fired him in May 2017.

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The how and the why of law blogs

These days, there’s a lot more to law firm management than simply running the day-to-day business, writes lawyer Nicole Black. Blogging is often the least appealing for many lawyers since it requires a regular time commitment. That being said, you just may find that once you get into the habit of blogging regularly, it can be an affordable, effective and enjoyable way to market your law practice.

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Small claims program for copyright violations? ABA-supported legislation passes US House

The House of Representatives approved earlier this week a measure that would establish a copyright small claims program in the U.S. Copyright Office to address some of the violations of copyright and intellectual property.

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Sweat the small stuff: Little changes can make lawyers more productive

The power of small changes to produce sustainable business growth and other beneficial outcomes was a recurring theme of the 2019 Clio Cloud Conference that concluded Tuesday.

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Looking to volunteer? National Celebration of Pro Bono is next week

DC Pro Bono Week coincides with the National Celebration of Pro Bono, held Oct. 20-26 this year. The ABA Standing Committee on Pro Bono and Public Service created the annual celebration in 2009 to draw attention to the need for pro bono and to show appreciation for the attorneys who volunteer their time throughout the year.

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