The film Adaptation, directed by Spike Jonze and written by Charlie Kaufman, is particularly relevant for lawyers struggling with telling stories effectively both inside and outside the courtroom.
The business entity you select for your firm has enormous implications for your annual tax liability. In addition, determining whether to make additional tax elections with the IRS can be one of the more confusing aspects when establishing a law firm. Which structure is right when you start your firm? Should you start with one structure and modify it down the line? What tax advantages could you gain from a change?
Who were the influencers in your legal career? I am talking about people whose attitude, ideas or conduct shaped some of the major paths you took in practice.
Over a year ago, I wrote a column for my “law and pop culture” series regarding the A&E show Live PD. In that column, I spoke about the problems these types of series can cause for defendants and law enforcement.
Editor’s note: This column reflects the opinions of the author, and not the views of the ABA Journal – or the American Bar Association. The ABA is deeply committed to securing the full and equal participation of women in the ABA, the profession and the justice system. The ABA Journal…
My son is weeks away from turning 3. Age 2 has been somewhat challenging, so I’m starting to believe all the horror stories friends have told my wife and me about “threenagers” and the difficulty they present.
To maintain an edge over competition, law firms often encourage attorneys to work long hours and they invest heavily in technologies, outside consultants, and branding and marketing efforts.