The U.S. Supreme Court will hear its last oral arguments of the term in April, and it will finish with a First Amendment case of potential great importance. Mahanoy Area School District v. B.L. involves whether a student can be punished for speech on social media over the weekend.
The Second Amendment doesn’t protect an unfettered right to openly carry a gun or pistol in public, according to the en banc 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals at San Francisco.
A federal appeals court has ordered a Pennsylvania lawyer to pay his opponents’ appellate legal fees for filing a “frivolous” appeal and submitting a brief “that was essentially a copy of the one he filed in the district court.”
Pennsylvania ethics officials have withdrawn a federal appeal that sought to reinstate an ethics rule banning lawyers from knowingly manifesting bias or engaging in discrimination in the practice of law.
Lawyer expresses regret after he is pepper-sprayed by mayor A lawyer who was pepper-sprayed by the mayor of Portland, Oregon, has expressed regret for the incident that provoked the response. Mayor Ted Wheeler had pepper-sprayed Cary Cadonau after the lawyer confronted the mayor in a restaurant parking lot and accused…
President Donald Trump has appointed 54 of the nation’s federal appellate judges during his four years in office, just one judge short of the number appointed by President Barack Obama in his two terms.
Law dean Erwin Chemerinsky opposes Trump Twitter ban Twitter and Facebook had the right to remove posts by President Donald Trump that amounted to incitement, but a total ban on Trump’s social media accounts goes too far, according to an op-ed by Erwin Chemerinsky, dean of the University of California…
A Delaware lawyer didn’t have standing to challenge a state requirement for political balance and major-party judges on the state’s top courts, the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled.
A federal appeals court on Friday blocked two ordinances on First Amendment grounds in Florida that ban licensed therapists from providing “conversion therapy” to minors.
The Trump campaign on Sunday filed a notice of appeal after a federal judge tossed its lawsuit challenging Pennsylvania’s differing approaches to errors on mail-in ballots.
Updated: Lawyer Rudy Giuliani appeared before a judge to argue a Pennsylvania election case Tuesday, marking the first time since 1992 that he has appeared in federal court, according to PACER records examined by