ABA Journal

Latest News

Death Penalty

ALI Disavows Its Death Penalty Framework

U.S. Supreme Court

Scalia Worried About Supreme Court Filled with Experienced Judges


The Job Market Is Tough for Law Grads in China, Too

U.S. Supreme Court

$12M Settlement Ends Pending Supreme Court Case on Prosecutorial Immunity

Family Law

Surrogate Mom Unrelated to Twins Wins Ruling She Is Legal Parent

Criminal Justice

DOJ Stats: Double Trouble for Judges, Prosecutors as Protection Falls Short

Criminal Justice

Suspect in Courthouse Shootout Angry Over Social Security Suit, Officials Say

Constitutional Law

4th Circuit Upholds Moussaoui Guilty Plea & Life Term in 9/11 Attacks

Law in Popular Culture

‘Void Where Prohibited’ Holiday E-Card Wins Kudos for Akin Gump


Did Client’s Own Lawyer Wear Wire for FBI in Drug Sting?

Legal Ethics

Federal Judge Sanctions ‘Obsessed’ Lawyer $110K Over Recusal Claims


Recession Far From Over, Says Legal Directory Avvo’s Consumer Data

Business of Law

‘Foreclosure Mills’ Use ‘Assembly-Line’ Litigation Process

Law Schools

Dean: Despite Discord, Ave Maria’s Fla. Move Went Well


Woman’s Blood-Alcohol Level Tests at Almost 9 Times Legal Limit, Authorities Say

Law Firms

Will Client Demand For Greater Value Lead to Meaningful Change Inside Law Firms?

Business of Law

Meet Art Block, General Counsel of Comcast

Law Practice Management

Two Chief Justices Have One Word of Advice for Solos: Unbundling

Criminal Justice

Court Officer, Suspect Killed in Vegas Courthouse Shootout


Ex-Ariz. Justice to Referee Suits Against Phoenix Judges in ‘Christmas Truce’

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