Criminal Justice

Suspect in Courthouse Shootout Angry Over Social Security Suit, Officials Say

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Although an investigation of today’s fatal shootout at a federal courthouse in downtown Las Vegas is still ongoing, unidentified law enforcement officials say the suspect’s anger over losing a lawsuit about his Social Security benefits may have motivated the crime.

The officials say Johnny Lee Wicks was killed in a shootout with deputy U.S. marshals this morning after he opened fire at a courthouse security checkpoint, reports the Associated Press.

The federal lawsuit filed by Wicks in 2008 alleged race discrimination by a Social Security official, reports the Las Vegas Review-Journal. The article, which also cites an unidentified source, says Wicks had an encounter with a regional official at a Social Security office after learning that his monthly benefits check would be reduced.

A 65-year-old courthouse security worker was killed and a deputy U.S. marshal was wounded in the shootout. The newspaper identifies the security worker as Stan Cooper, a retired city police officer who worked for a contractor that provided courthouse security, it states.

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