ABA Journal

Latest News

Personal Lives

Told of Threat to Tot, Lawyer Kills, Repents, Gets 12 Years

Law Practice

Column: Legal Secretary Isn’t ‘Furniture’

Labor & Employment

Renowned Hands-On Legal Scholar Dies

Tax Law

Fashion and Taxes Are Lawyer’s Muse

Legislation & Lobbying

New Bush Policies Help Homeowners

Real Estate & Property Law

Bad Closing Doc Puts Va. Lawyer in Jail


Scientists Challenge Background Checks


State Secrets Often Cited to Crush Suits

Immigration Law

Spouse’s Death Ends US Residency Quest

Attorney General

DOJ Job Applicants Questioned

Health Law

Panel Allots Blame for Va. Tech Massacre

Law Students

Law Grad Wins Case, Keeps on Truckin’

Bar Exam

New NY Bar Exam Woes


U.S. Prosecutions Drop in Budget Squeeze

Bar Associations

IL Bar Issues Scammer Warning

Criminal Justice

Druid Report on Murder Witness List

Attorney Fees

$307 K Fee Is Price of Foot-Dragging

Health Law

Drug Marketing Suits Test Civil Liability

Attorney Fees

$75 M Payday Before Judge

Law Firms

Jones Day Snares Hong Kong IP Lawyers

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