ABA Journal

Latest News

News Roundup

Afternoon Briefs: Former adoption lawyer sentenced; lawyer accused in real-estate fraud scheme

Fourth Amendment

Advanced border searches of electronic devices don’t require probable cause, 1st Circuit rules

Bar Exam

California gets demand letter to stop using facial recognition technology with remote bar exam

Trials & Litigation

Accused of ‘outrageous and unfounded attacks’ on SCOTUS chief justice, pro-Trump lawyer stands by claims

Practice Management

Alternative legal service providers continue to increase their market share, survey finds

Copyright Law

Lawyer who pleaded guilty in porn lawsuit scheme must pay $1.5M restitution, 8th Circuit says

Criminal Justice

Lawyer found with AR-15 in his car is charged with threatening to kill Democratic senators

Law in Popular Culture

HBO Max’s ‘Perry Mason’ and the benefits of practicing law as a second career

News Roundup

Afternoon Briefs: DOJ changes stance on health care law; Scabby the Rat gets NLRB lawyer’s support

Criminal Justice

Defendant gets new trial without having to prove bribe-taking judge was biased, 7th Circuit rules

Practice Management

How to know when it’s time to send a client packing

Legal Rebels Podcast

Virtual onboarding has provided some unexpected benefits, firm shareholder says

Criminal Justice

Lawyer charged with phone harassment after his jet was repossessed and his partner tweeted resignation


Memo alleges sexism and harassment by Colorado judiciary; was contract intended to keep accuser silent?

Trials & Litigation

Rambling remarks by Trump impeachment lawyer bewilder pundits


How can lawyers balance materially adverse interests? New ABA ethics opinion explores

News Roundup

Afternoon Briefs: Ex-lawyer sentenced for show-pony secrecy; DOJ drops suit over Melania Trump book

Trials & Litigation

Lawyer’s Zoom hearing is a purr-fect storm tech glitch


Judge admits she presided in court while ineligible to practice law


No federal appeals court has more female than male judges; which one is evenly balanced?

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