ABA Journal

Latest News

International Law

Iraq Prime Minister Said to Oust Judge to Ensure Saddam Death Sentence

Death Penalty

Hood Seeks Habeas, Says Judge & Prosecutor Considered Marriage

Public Defenders

Judge Warns PD Action Will Bring Md. Criminal Courts to ‘Grinding Halt’

In-House Counsel

Firing Wasn’t on GC’s List of Possible Penalties for his Backdated Stock

Legal Ethics

RIAA Seeks Sanctions for N.Y. Lawyer’s ‘Vexatious’ Blog Posts of Case Filings

Natural Disasters

ABA Announces Toll-Free Hotline for Florida Hurricane Victims

Copyright Law

Judge Grants New Trial in Music Piracy Case, Requires Proof of Copying

Law Professors

Greta Van Susteren Gave Mostly A’s as a Georgetown Law Prof

Law Schools

No LSAT Allowed in Michigan Law School’s Special Admissions Program

Labor & Employment

As Tattoos Enter Mainstream, Courts Uphold Employers’ Right to Ban Them

Women in the Law

Four Law Firms on Working Mother’s List of 100 Best Companies

Law Firms

Heller Holds Firmwide Meeting on Plans for ‘Orderly Transition’


Gitmo Prosecutor Quits, Citing ‘Ethical Qualms’ Over Withheld Evidence

Attorney General

Top White House Officials Discussed Harsh Interrogations in 2002

Family Law

Mexican Brothel Raid Just Part of N.Y. Lawyer’s Job

Law Firms

Flush With Lehman Bros. Work, Hughes Hubbard Adds Bankruptcy Boutique

Legislation & Lobbying

$700B Bailout Alternative: Another Great Depression, Officials Say

Criminal Justice

Missing Okla. Lawyer Found Dead in Seeming Suicide

Criminal Justice

Mom Gets Probation for ‘76 Escape, Will Fight Prior Michigan Drug Conviction

Question of the Week

What Are Some of Your Favorite Ballpark Memories?

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