ABA Journal

Latest News

Criminal Justice

Harvey Weinstein’s lawyer thinks the #MeToo movement can be dangerous


New survey finds No. 1 reason why partners leave their firms—and it’s not the most-obvious one

Law Firms

Suit by former firm partner alleges cash-flow problems, gay and racial bias


Fired partner is accused of double billing, charging personal expenses to firm

Legal Rebels Podcast

Reinventing the staid field of legal academic writing

News Roundup

Afternoon Briefs: Lawyer can’t avoid pro bono appointment, AG Barr wants Apple to unlock gunman’s iPhones

Criminal Justice

State supreme court affirms 12-year sentence for inmate’s cellphone possession

Civil Rights

Top St. Louis prosecutor files suit alleging racially motivated conspiracy to obstruct her equal-justice efforts

Law Professors

New York Times defamed me with clickbait headline, Harvard Law prof alleges in lawsuit

Criminal Justice

Justices should consider when wrongfully convicted can seek damages, ABA says

Law Schools

3 law students launch food pantry to help feed hungry classmates


Company that promised to revolutionize legal services confirms layoffs of most of its legal staff

Legal Education

California may offer more opportunities for JDs taught entirely online

News Roundup

Afternoon Briefs: Texas no longer accepting refugees; new San Francisco DA announces round of layoffs


Judge censured after representing daughter in family law court

Trials & Litigation

Jehovah’s Witnesses not negligent in $35M child-abuse case, court rules

Immigration Law

Appeals court directs all California cities to follow ‘sanctuary state’ law

Trials & Litigation

Airmen who have HIV can continue to serve, appeals court rules

Law Schools

Under teach-out plan, Thomas Jefferson law school has ABA accreditation for 3 more years

Corporate Law

Google parent company’s top lawyer leaving amid claims of misconduct

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