ABA Journal

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News Roundup

Afternoon Briefs: DC protesters sue over park ouster; 21 federal courthouses damaged

Criminal Justice

Resuming criminal jury trials would be ‘reckless and irresponsible,’ NACDL says regarding COVID-19

U.S. Supreme Court

Sotomayor temporarily halts order to move at-risk inmates from Ohio prison

Criminal Justice

Citing ‘crisis within a crisis,’ NY judge refuses to release people held more than 24 hours


Legal services sector gains 3,200 jobs; previous month’s whopping loss is revised upward

Law Schools

Is lower number of law school applicants a COVID-19 glitch? LSAT schedule changes could be to blame

News Roundup

Afternoon Briefs: AG Barr sees lack of confidence in justice system; will students reconsider law school?

Law Firms

2 more law firms announce pay cuts; are they a stopgap measure before layoffs?

Law Schools

Harvard Law will be online-only for the fall 2020 term


Judge’s use of the C-word could be seen as ‘left-handed compliment,’ lawyer argues


Man convicted by jury that included judge’s wife isn’t entitled to new trial, top state court says

Tort Law

Lenny Dykstra’s reputation was so tarnished that he wasn’t defamed by book, judge rules

News Roundup

Afternoon Briefs: New charges filed in George Floyd case; state chief justice decries court system bias

Law Firms

Former BigLaw paralegal claims she was fired for reporting comment about too-tight pants


California appeals judge is removed from bench for sexual harassment and unwanted touching

Civil Rights

Minnesota launches civil rights probe of state police department in hopes of bringing change

Practice Technology

The Zoom boom: How videoconferencing tools are changing the legal profession

Legal Education

Two states introduce COVID-19 waivers for July bar exams

Law Professors

Stanford law prof who used quote with racial slur in class says he won’t do it again

News Roundup

Afternoon Briefs: Pryor Cashman associate gets bond; firm’s contact form crashes after pro bono offer

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