ABA Journal

Latest News

Annual Meeting

‘Judge shopping’ in federal courts should end, House urges

Annual Meeting

Pronouns should be respected and trans youths protected, ABA House says

Annual Meeting

Bar admission should not be denied just on basis of immigration status, ABA House urges

Annual Meeting

Clarify overseas employment guidance for military families, House urges

Annual Meeting

ABA House OKs updated 10 principles for public defense; ‘we cannot allow a two-tier system of justice’

Annual Meeting

Lawyers ‘are called to run towards the storm,’ says incoming ABA President Mary Smith

Election Law

Ban on lifetime voting for some felons violates Eighth Amendment, 5th Circuit rules

U.S. Supreme Court

Justice Thomas financed his ‘really bougie’ RV with a loan from a wealthy friend; did he pay it off?

Annual Meeting

‘Dobbs is an indictment of women,’ past ABA president tells House in emotional testimony

Annual Meeting

Guardianship Bill of Rights for adults passes ABA House; ‘it is needed’

Annual Meeting

Let courts consider a prosecutor’s recommendation to reduce a sentence, ABA House says

Annual Meeting

End use of prisoners for unpaid hard labor, ABA House of Delegates urges

Annual Meeting

US will hold Russians accountable for war crimes in Ukraine, AG Merrick Garland says

Annual Meeting

Plea bargaining principles will create a more ‘fair and just system,’ task force co-chair says

Annual Meeting

ABA president tells House of Delegates to ‘keep moving’ and ‘keep climbing’


Federal judge who said defendant ‘looks like a criminal’ can’t preside in new trial, 6th Circuit says


Criminal court judge, 72, arrested in wife’s shooting death

U.S. Supreme Court

ABA task force recommends ethics and transparency changes for Supreme Court


Federal appeals judge should be suspended for failing to cooperate in mental fitness probe, report says

Law Firms

Shrinking midsize law firm announces it is closing after nearly 90-year run

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