Thomson Reuters Hiring Attorneys for New LPO Outfits in Michigan, Texas
Updated: When we reported Thomson Reuters’ acquisition of Indian legal process outsourcing company Pangea3 in the February issue, the publishing giant hadn’t yet disclosed where it would build document review centers in the U.S., aimed to mirror those overseas.
This week, however, we discovered a Thomson-Pangea3 post on job-search website (JPG) looking for full-time and temporary, experienced contract attorneys to staff a new facility in Michigan, and another site in Texas, on March 1.
The company is hiring lawyers “barred in any U.S. jurisdiction” to “build multiple document review project teams” in “anticipation of establishing a document review facility in Ann Arbor, Mich.,” according to a Monster job post. Separate web posts on Monster and Craigslist advertised the Carrollton, Texas project.
When we inquired about the number of lawyers to be staffed in Ann Arbor and asked whether any other U.S. facility locations have been planned, Thomson provided a vague response.
“As we’ve mentioned, we see a multishore, 24/7 operating structure as key to supporting Pangea3 customers in all parts of the world. We’re working on this now, and will keep you posted as things progress,” a company spokesman wrote in an e-mail.
Updated Jan. 28 to include ad for Texas facility.
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