Media & Communications Law

Should cellphone signals be jammed at prisons? FCC mulls issue of contraband devices there

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What to do about a reported proliferation of prohibited cellphones in the nation’s prisons?

Officials confiscate them when they find them, and can punish those responsible for providing or possessing contraband electronic devices.

But the most practical solution is to jam the signal so cellphones can’t be used by those behind bars, a number of participants said at a Wednesday forum in Columbia, South Carolina. It included South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley and Ajit Pai, a member of the Federal Communications Commission, reports the Post and Courier.

The problem is, blocking the signal is illegal unless the federal government does it, according to regulators. Also, as cellphone companies point out, jamming might interfere with legitimate use by non-prisoners and potentially interfere with emergency communications. So far, the FCC hasn’t wanted to pursue the jamming option, although Commissioner Ajit Pai told participants that he would take their concerns back to the agency and push for a solution.

Individuals in charge at the state level still say blocking the signal is most likely to solve the problem and point to a former Lee Correctional Institution captain who was shot six times at his home. The investigation found that the attack was arranged with the use of a contraband cellphone. He survived and was present at Wednesday’s discussion.

Haley said 4,000 prison cellphones were confiscated last year statewide. Traditionally, they have been smuggled in or even thrown over a prison fence, the newspaper reports, and some have recently been dropped by drones flying above a prison.

“We’re talking about implementation of a law that’s over 75 years old, when technology was completely different,” said assistant Charleston County sheriff Mitch Lucas, pushing for the signal to be blocked.

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