Legal Ethics

Prosecutors Seized All Files in My Law Office, NY Attorney Says

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A former member of the Suffolk County Legislature says the county’s district attorney seized virtually every file in his Long Island law office this week.

“They took 30 years of my files,” attorney George Guldi, 57, tells Newsday. “They’re trying to drive me out of business.”

In addition to real estate files potentially at issue in a major mortgage fraud case reportedly being investigated by the DA concerning properties in the Hamptons, Guldi also handles criminal and matrimonial cases in his Westhampton Beach general practice.

All of these files were taken, plus family pictures, his defense lawyers say, describing the massive sweep as a clear violation of the attorney-client privilege.

Additional coverage:

Southampton Press: “DA investigators seize files from Guldi’s law office in Westhampton Beach”

Updated Feb. 9 to indicate Guldi was a member of the Suffolk County Legislature.

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