Constitutional Law

Lawyer files suit seeking to remove 'In God We Trust' from US currency

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In God We Trust

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A lawyer who previously fought without success to remove the words “under God” from the Pledge of Allegiance has taken on a new constitutional battle over the rights of atheists.

California attorney Michael Newdow filed a federal lawsuit Monday in Akron, Ohio, seeking to have the phrase “In God We Trust” removed from U.S. currency, arguing that the language violates the mandated separation of church and state, reports. There are more than 40 plaintiffs in the case.

“The ‘In G-d We Trust’ phrase has continued to be a tool used to perpetuate favoritism for (Christian) Monotheism,” contends the complaint. “It has also continued to perpetuate anti-Atheistic bias.”

Hat tip: Associated Press.

See also: “9th Circuit Upholds Pledge’s ‘Under God’ in Public Schools”

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