In-House Counsel

Are millennials job hoppers? In-house lawyers vary on the answer based on their generation

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Lwyers leaping over a ditch

The perception that millennials are more likely than their elders to jump to new jobs is playing out in a survey of in-house lawyers.

Surveyed baby boomers and Gen Xers were more likely to believe millennials would leave their jobs within five years than the millennials themselves, the Wall Street Journal Law Blog reports. Thomson Reuters conducted the survey (PDF) of 153 in-house lawyers.

Sixty-nine percent of the baby boomer and Gen X lawyers said they believed millennials would stay in the current organization for less than five years. But only 38 percent of the millennials believed they would leave in that time period.

Half of the millennials anticipate their next career change will be to move up in their current legal department. Almost half of baby boomers, on the other hand, anticipate their next care change will be retirement.

All generations in the survey said the primary reason they chose to work in a corporate legal department was because it provides good work-life balance.

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