
A Lost Generation of Lawyers? Of 30 Laid-Off Lawyers, Two Got Jobs, Law Grad Says

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A 2009 law graduate who was laid off from BigLaw says he hasn’t given up his job search, but that’s not the case with his friends.

The unidentified grad tells the Careerist that he knows 30 laid-off lawyers in the classes of 2008 and 2009, and only two have found jobs at large law firms—and the reason was due to personal connections.

Most are giving up and moving on to different things, he said. Some are going to business school.

“Maybe firms think we’ve already been [picked over] or they feel we’re too cynical,” the grad told the Careerist. “You’d hope that the industry would recognize us, but the behavior is to chop us off and forget about us.”

The grad, who now works in public relations, is still searching for a job at a large law firm. The Careerist says she has heard from other law grads with similar stories. Normalcy may be returning to BigLaw, she writes, but not for the so-called Lost Generation.

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