ABA Journal

Latest News


Foie Gras Is Once Again Legal in Chicago

Tax Law

Revised Reporting Law Could Mean Big Penalties for U.S. Clients of UBS

Pharmaceutical Litigation

Texas Appeals Court Overturns Vioxx Verdict

Criminal Justice

Accountant Blames Benadryl-Induced Blackout for Jobsite Rampage

Attorney Fees

Jury Rules Lawyer Must Return Half of $200K Bonus Paid by Client

Constitutional Law

California Supreme Court to Rule on Gay Marriage Today

Subprime Litigation

Judge Refuses to Dismiss Countrywide Shareholder Suit

Justice Department

Where Will Solicitor General Clement Go Next?

Legal History

New Tests in 1908 Murder Mystery: Did ‘Lady Bluebeard’ Kill Children, Too?

Criminal Justice

Fla. Felon Gets 6 Years for Posting YouTube AK-47 Video

Corporate Law

It’s Official: Carl Icahn Will Lead Yahoo Proxy Fight Seeking Microsoft Deal

Legal Ethics

Ohio AG Marc Dann Resigns, But State Probe of His Office May Continue

Securities Law

Founders & Gen’l Counsel Sued By SEC in Broadcom Options Backdating Case

Law Schools

‘Steep Mountain’ for FAMU to Climb to Full Accreditation, ABA Report Says

Entertainment & Sports Law

Barry Bonds Re-Charged in Steroids-Related Perjury Case

Labor and Employment

Targeted in N.Y. Public Benefits Probe, Private Lawyers Plan Class Action

Law Practice Management

Why BigLaw Mergers Do—and Don’t—Work

Law Professors

Students Rally Around Law Prof Struggling With ALS

Intellectual Property Law

Fan May Face IP Claim Over Dr. Who Knitting Patterns


Lawyer is Artist, Teacher, Musician and Now, a Recording Artist

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