ABA Journal

Legal Rebels Archive

Legal Rebels Podcast

Paul Lippe's 'new normal' was always about innovation (podcast)

For years, Paul Lippe has been a leader in helping corporate law departments adopt the approaches used in the best and most innovative parts of their own companies—and in doing so, significantly changing the relationships with and the work done by their outside lawyers.

The New Normal

Do you suffer from 'commoditization blindness'? If others can do your work for less, open your eyes

During the past few months, I have been giving presentations all over the world. One of the things I would touch upon are the eroding effects of commoditization. I know there are a lot of misconceptions around this topic. By now, most lawyers acknowledge that commoditization exists, but most believe commoditized work equals "simple work" or "bulk work." This couldn’t be further from the truth.

The New Normal

Moving from Good Law to Great Law

Five years ago, a committed group of law firm leaders and law firm service providers embarked on a journey to reimagine the legal profession with a futurist’s view.

While many innovation journeys begin with an examination of the current state of a business, team, product or service in order to determine how to make what exists better, this innovation journey was different.


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The New Normal

Setting the CLOC forward on operational excellence

New Normal

Not competent in basic tech? You could be overbilling your clients--and be on shaky ethical ground

Legal Rebels Podcast

Lisa Solomon found the time was right for her career in online legal research (podcast)

The New Normal

Are lawyers artistes or shortstops: how to measure performance?

The New Normal

Can justice be served online?

The New Normal

Rethinking rewards: What BigLaw can do about pay

The New Normal

Choosing your law firm's optimal markets

I think many law firms historically acquired their clients first and their markets second. Somewhere early in a firm’s genesis, one of its lawyers landed a client and performed the assigned tasks well; impressed, that client hired the lawyer again and recommended the lawyer to a similar client, which also retained the lawyer, and more followed.

Legal Rebels Podcast

Justia's Stacy Stern finds real profit in making things free (podcast)

Legal Rebels Podcast

What have previous Legal Rebels been up to? We talked to 8 of them to find out

The New Normal

Can changing how we measure lawyer performance unlock diversity?

HP’s legal department recently announced that it will withhold up to 10 percent of fees from law firms that do not meet its diversity standards, to draw attention to law’s lagging performance in advancing diversity.

New Normal

What lawyers can learn from a dollar-store model

Innovation has been the buzzword in the legal sector for several years. These days, there is a seminar or conference on innovation or IT disruption in the legal sector every week. Fueled by these repeated messages, many law firms start building apps, giving models away for free or embark on using software for such tasks as due diligence.

Legal Rebels Podcast

CodeX co-founder caught the entrepreneurial bug at Stanford (podcast)

Born and raised in Austria, Roland Vogl fell in love with California almost from the moment he arrived in 1999 as a student at Stanford Law School. In particular, he was drawn to the entrepreneurial ethos of Stanford's home base of Silicon Valley.

"The idea of being in Silicon Valley and being immersed in the gung-ho spirit where people solve problems—not so much by policy and lawmaking but by building new systems—really appealed to me," says Vogl, a 2017 Legal Rebels Trailblazer.

The New Normal

Will Trump make legal infrastructure 'great again'?

Legal Rebels Podcast

Lawyerist founder Sam Glover reports anecdata from the legal community (podcast)

The website Lawyerist focuses on getting attorneys information they want. Determining what that is isn't hard, says founder Sam Glover, because readers frequently tell him through the site's discussion forum or on social media.

New Normal

Build legal tech tools with actual lawyers in mind

When I was a kid, my dad used to caution me against seeing other people’s concerns through my own eyes. “When you’re a hammer, not everything is a nail.”

Legal Rebels Podcast

Judge Dixon stays on to keep bringing tech to courts (podcast)

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