ABA Journal

24 Hours

Tom Mighell & Dennis Kennedy: Working Collaboratively Works Best (Audio Chat)

By Molly McDonough

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Longtime legal technology bloggers Tom Mighell and Dennis Kennedy recently co-authored The Lawyer’s Guide to Collaboration Tools and Technology: Smart Ways to Work Together.

Longtime legal technology bloggers Tom Mighell and Dennis Kennedy recently co-authored The Lawyer’s Guide to Collaboration Tools and Technology: Smart Ways to Work Together.Hear them talk about lawyers and collaboration in this audio chat:

Meet our guests:

Dennis Kennedy is an information technology lawyer and a well-known legal technology author and speaker. He writes the monthly technology column for the ABA Journal, maintains the DennisKennedy Blog, and co-hosts The Kennedy-Mighell Report podcast on the Legal Talk Network.

Tom Mighell is senior manager with the Professional Services Group at Fios, an electronic discovery services provider. A litigator for 18 years, Mighell is a frequent speaker and writer on legal technology, e-discovery, collaboration, and the Internet. He is the author of the Internet Legal Research Weekly (since 2000) and the blogs Inter Alia and The Lawyer’s Guide to Collaboration. Mighell is currently Vice-Chair of the ABA’s Law Practice Management Section, and served as past Chair of ABA TECHSHOW.

In This Podcast:

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