Advice and document prep supporting amicable divorces
“On average a lawyer interrupts a client within 11 seconds of their first meeting. We have room for improvement and, as I see it, technology can actually return the human touch to the law. Technology is removing many of the inefficiencies and burdens of the law, leaving lawyers with more time to connect with clients. Lawyers can become high-tech so they can be high-touch. If you seek to create change in the law, technology is a great vehicle to do it. I spent years trying to create change from within the legal profession only to be hit with a consistent voice of ‘You can’t do that.’ When I entered the tech world I heard a chorus of voices saying ‘You can do it.’ The tech community is full of people that not only believe in changing the world—they do it on a daily basis. Ambition is gender-neutral, but female founders are still rare and the world needs more women paving the way to the future. There are endless opportunities for women. If you are interested in getting into the tech world, jump outside of the law and tap into the world of technology and get connected to the startup world. Read TechCrunch and Hacker News, and start networking with people in the tech industry.”