ABA Journal

Latest Features

Rockin' Out the E-Law

A few federal judges are becoming stars as they create new e-discovery rules.

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Taming the Gossipmongers

Websites that dish dirt may soon get their publishers’ hands muddy

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Illegal Aliens on I.C.E.

Tougher immigration enforcement tactics spur challenges

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Wise in the Ways of the World

Big practices abroad help large firms weather the economic storm

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Making TV Legal

Behind those megahit lawyer shows are some pretty unusual lawyers

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A Question of Faith

Cash-strapped states look elsewhere for inmate rehab programs

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Searching Questions

Internet keyword ads are a billion-dollar business, and many may be illegal

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Making Your Case

The Art of Persuading Judges

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Learning the Hard Way

Michael Burke lost his freedom and his license to practice. But along the way, he learned some important truths about himself and the law. He’s not alone.

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A Step Up in Class

Plaintiffs lawyers adapt to class action law—and hunt for congenial circuits

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