ABA Journal

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Memo to Prosecutors: Time to Back Off

DOJ curbs pressure tactics in corporate probes, but critics want Congress to act

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The Curious Case of Alex Latifi

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Shook Hardy Smokes 'Em

Tough litigation tactics and low rates make this Kansas City firm the darling of corporate America—and the bête noire of product liability plaintiffs

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Discovering Eldorado

In a massive clash between church and state, a band of Texas lawyers learns that individual stories still count

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Photo Essay: Discovering Eldorado

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Timeline: The FLDS Case

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Don't Ask, Don't Tell: Don't Work?

Courts and Congress raise new challenges to policy on gays in the military

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Bringing Lawyers, Guns and Money

In Chicago and elsewhere, the decision in Heller promises more litigation

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Midcareer Malaise

How to find a new path for your 40s

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Real Trouble

A federal judge’s behavior could move the line between judicial freedom and misconduct

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