ABA Journal

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ABA commission had warned of immigration-court backlog

A 2010 report from the ABA Commission on Immigration cited many of the same concerns that exist today about a system incapable of handling increased enforcement of immigration laws.

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Supreme Court considers 3 First Amendment cases this term

The First Amendment takes a leading role before the U.S. Supreme Court this term. A case decided Wednesday, along with two others, could impact a slew of important free speech principles, including commercial speech, the government speech doctrine, online privacy, the right to receive information and ideas, speech vs. conduct and the viewpoint discrimination principle.

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When is someone too stoned to drive? The question is trickier than you'd think for courts to answer

There is no clear scientific consensus when it comes to smoking pot and driving. And few of the tools police officers have long relied on to determine whether a driver is too drunk to drive, such as the Breathalyzer, exist for marijuana.

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Legal advertising blows past $1 billion and goes viral

Whether it inspires envy, parody, anger, litigation or teeth-clenched admiration, legal advertising is here to stay. Although the ad-buy rush is fueled by personal injury and mass tort lawyers, a report by Kantar Media found other lawyers and legal-service providers have contributed to the boom, ranking Avvo and LegalZoom among the top 10 biggest spenders on TV advertising in 2015.

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6 major law firm hacks in recent history

Law firms have been victims of some of the most damaging hacks in recent history. Here’s a list of the major law firm hacks in the past five years.

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Female First-Chairs: Firm's founders chip away at male litigation domination

According to a 2015 report by the American Bar Foundation and the ABA Commission on Women in the Profession, which sampled 2013 filings in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, women in private practice at large and small law firms accounted for only 16 to 25 percent of first-chair appearances.

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Learning to say no—and say so

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Grit and a growth mindset are linked to success

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The Brain Defense: Vets with head trauma, stress find mercy in court

Lawyer Brock Hunter, at left, has developed a specialty in representing veterans charged with crimes outside the military justice system. He and his colleagues in this area offer a version of the brain defense, an approach that considers the possible influence of post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and traumatic brain injury caused by their military experience on their clients’ criminal behavior.

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Right to Learn: Advocates for Detroit students say there's a constitutional claim to literacy

Lawyer Mark Rosenbaum found schools in Detroit where the air conditioning and heating systems malfunctioned, requiring students to try to learn in stifling heat or in Michigan’s bitter winter cold. Teachers were buying not only their own school supplies but their own toilet paper. Some started every morning by cleaning rat droppings out of their classrooms.

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