ABA Journal

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Open Access: SCOTUS will consider whether publishers can copyright annotated state codes

Carl Malamud’s latest battle, with Georgia, is set to go before the U.S. Supreme Court on Dec. 2. It stems from a 2013 move by the nonprofit organization that he founded, Public.Resource.Org, to purchase a set of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, scan it and put it on the web.

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From feeling shame to inspiring hope, Steve Price was just getting started

This past spring, when the May 2019 issue of the ABA Journal arrived from the printer, Managing Editor Kevin Davis made plans to meet with Steve Price, whose face graced the cover. Davis wanted to hand-deliver a few copies and say thanks. Price was a formerly incarcerated man who talked with Davis about his struggles to make it on the outside.

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To perp walk or not: When do white-collar defendants get to surrender peacefully?

When the federal government charges anyone with a crime, it’s rare that person will get to surrender peacefully at an arranged date and time without being subjected to a fright-inducing home raid by dozens of armed law enforcement officers and an embarrassing “perp walk” into the station or court. For the people who are afforded the privilege of self-surrender, popular perception is that they must be white-collar defendants who are rich and powerful.

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Lawyers who investigated Clinton and Nixon see important differences with Trump's impeachment inquiry

As hearings got underway in mid-November for only the third impeachment inquiry of a U.S. president in the last 50 years, Robert Ray and other attorneys involved in prior investigations of presidents facing impeachment cautioned against drawing too many parallels between President Donald Trump and Presidents Bill Clinton and Richard Nixon.

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Lawyers have a bevy of advanced and AI-enhanced legal research tools at their fingertips

For many lawyers, legal research is an inescapable—and sometimes tedious part—of practicing law. Fortunately, legal research has changed significantly over the years and is now more intuitive and affordable than ever before.

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Law schools with accreditation issues see bar exam improvement, but will they hit 75% pass rate?

For a small number of schools found to be out of compliance with an ABA accreditation admissions standard, some have concerns that even with bar pass rate improvements, they still may not meet a new standard that requires pass rates of at least 75% for graduates who took a bar exam in the past two years.

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Do you have room at your table? SOLACE calls for lawyers to host those spending Thanksgiving alone

Judge Jay Zainey recently sent an email to about 20,000 members of the SOLACE program in Louisiana, asking whether they had room at their table for fellow members of the legal community who might be alone on Thanksgiving. By the time Zainey went to bed, he already had several responses.

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For 30 years, ProBAR has served immigrants and refugees at the southern border

Thirty years after its founding, the South Texas Pro Bono Asylum Representation Project is in the midst of a Central American refugee crisis that requires its services more than ever.

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Can black TV mogul's discrimination suit against Comcast proceed? SCOTUS to decide

Byron Allen of Entertainment Studios Networks alleges in a $20 billion lawsuit that Comcast was motivated by racial bias in refusing to pick up his channels for inclusion on its cable systems in recent years. On Nov. 13, the U.S. Supreme Court will consider whether a race-discrimination claim may proceed.

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No-deal Brexit could have drastic consequences for criminal justice

Brexit negotiations may have been extended, but lawyers and law enforcement officials continue to worry that Exit Day—the day the U.K. leaves the European Union—could bring the gears of justice to a grinding halt.

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