ABA Journal

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'Are you serious, judge?' Twice-asked question leads to lawyer's public censure

Updated: A state appeals court in New York has imposed a public censure on a lawyer who responded to a question with a question during an oral argument before a federal appeals court in December 2019.

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Congress should 'take swift, evidence-informed action' to stop gun violence, ABA president says

In the wake of recent mass shootings in a supermarket in Buffalo, New York, and at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, ABA President Reginald Turner is urging Congress “to take swift, evidence-informed action to dramatically reduce the threat and devastating impacts of gun violence.”

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America’s Lost Children: Reckoning with the abusive legacy of Indian boarding schools

When researchers began the painstaking work of identifying Indigenous children who died at the Genoa U.S. Indian Industrial School in Nebraska, they kept making chilling discoveries.

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Prosecutors are cracking down on online romance scams

In 2020 and 2021, the U.S. Department of Justice website posted at least 10 news releases about separate indictments involving romance scams. In 2021, people reported losing a total of $547 million to the crimes, and that was an 80% increase over 2020. The numbers could be greater than that because many romance scams go unreported. Trying to avoid judgment from peers is one reason, and blackmail from scammers is another.

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Tennessee court pilots new ODR platform to mediate medical debt disputes

One Tennessee small claims court is attempting to address this issue by piloting an online dispute resolution platform to keep medical debt collection out of the courtroom. Through the platform, patients can communicate with the hospital or health center about payment options and ways to potentially reduce their bills, and they can use the pro bono services of a trained mediator to reach a settlement, if needed.

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Food Fight: Do lawsuits challenging product labels benefit consumers?

Legal actions against food and beverage companies over the wording on their labels have exploded in recent years, from just 19 class action lawsuits in 2008 to a record 325 cases filed last year. And lawsuits over whether a “foot-long” sandwich is really 12 inches or whether the unfilled space in a food package is cheating consumers have also grabbed headlines over the years.

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Scott Schoettes has 'personal stake' in work for individuals living with HIV/AIDS

In a landmark ruling in April, the Department of Defense was ordered to stop discriminating against people with HIV and permit them to deploy and commission as military officers. Scott Schoettes represented the two plaintiffs who brought the suit, a case with personal meaning for him as an attorney living with HIV.

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How to negotiate trauma during a lifetime of advocacy for domestic violence survivors

Anyone who’s studied domestic violence law is likely familiar with the woman who pioneered its study in law schools, wrote the textbook Domestic Violence Law and regularly testifies as a domestic violence expert witness. In a practice area most attorneys agree is emotionally draining and personally trying, Nancy K.D. Lemon has shown four decades of staying power.

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5th Circuit Keeps Count: It has kicked federal judge off 6 cases, thrice reversed his discovery refusals

U.S. District Judge Lynn Hughes of the Southern District of Texas has taken another drubbing from the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals at New Orleans, this time for limiting discovery in an age discrimination lawsuit.

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11th Circuit rules against lawyer disbarred for failing to comply with mental health requirements of conditional bar admission

A federal appeals court has ruled against a Florida lawyer who challenged her disbarment for failing to comply with mental health requirements of her conditional admission to the bar.

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