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A Message from BigHand

One Simple Way to Improve Productivity at The Office and On The Go

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Being an attorney today looks nothing like it did even 10 years ago. As an attorney, you are expected to be accessible and productive whether you are in the office or traveling across the country to attend meetings and see clients. In addition, your support staff back at the office are likely juggling work for more than one attorney, or your firm may outsource administrative functions to save on costs and your support staff isn’t even in the same office. All of these changes have made it imperative that you are armed with tools and technologies that will enable you to manage your work effectively, no matter where you are working and what you need to have done. BigHand’s Digital Dictation has emerged as a leader in supporting the modern lawyer by giving you the power to keep work moving regardless of where you, or your support staff, happen to be working. Jeffery Conn, a Partner at Clark Hill, says, “I dictate a lot in my practice. I use the BigHand app on my mobile so that I can continue to record dictations while I am traveling for business. It is a great tool. I have not had any issues with the system and it is a real time-saver for me. I do not know how I could work as efficiently without it.” With BigHand, you are able to delegate tasks, dictate documents and track your work from a simple, yet powerful app from your smartphone, tablet or laptop, and send that work instantly to the right person to get it done.

This means time you once considered ‘down time’ – such as time spent waiting at airports, in taxis or on your morning commute – can now become productive and billable work time. Your support staff can also keep things moving instead of waiting for a deluge of tasks when you return to the office. John Speicher, an Attorney at Leisawitz Heller, leverages his BigHand Voice application saying, “I love that I can work from wherever I am – at the airport, on vacation – and know that it is sent instantaneously back to the office and my assistant is working on it. It’s so convenient, too. I mean, who doesn’t have a smartphone these days?”

In addition, BigHand’s easy-to-train, but highly accurate speech recognition further streamlines work by automatically transcribing dictations and alleviating the drudgery of manual transcription. This frees up support staff to work on more important tasks than transcribing voice messages and helps to efficiently manage dictations. Courtney D. Haug, Medicaid & Veterans Benefits Case Manager at Stubbins, Watson & Bryan, says, “I have to be honest in saying that I think this is the best dictation system that we have had. If I have a dictation from someone that is 15 minutes, it really is a 15-minute dictation. BigHand’s Speech Recognition transcribes the dictation. I simply load the document into my word processor, proof read and make minor formatting changes. This same dictation would have taken me 35-40 minutes with our old system to do the same work.”

Clearly, BigHand’s powerful technology has a positive impact on the attorney experience. However, it is important to note BigHand technology is also held to the highest standard of security in the industry. Whether you opt for our enterprise software or our cloud-based model, BigHand is ISO 270001 certified, HIPAA Compliant, and we adhere to the stringent standards of the International Organization for Standardization. All information is encrypted and secured.

But don’t just take our word for it, click here to see what one of our many satisfied customers has to say.

If you’re looking for a painless way to increase attorney productivity, improve efficiency and drive an improved client experience, please contact us at 951 506 5691 or send us an email.

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