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A Message from Disco

How Law Firms Can Drastically Reduce the Cost of eDiscovery by 50% with Disco

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There’s a lot of pressure on law firms today to keep litigation support costs down. Frustrated with the escalating costs of ediscovery, many clients are scrutinizing law firm billing practices as never before. And realization rates for litigation support services are now 65% to 70% in many cases, adding substantially to a law firm’s overhead costs.

The good news is that you can do something about it—by cutting your ediscovery search, review and production costs by 50% or more with Disco ediscovery software as a service.

Here’s an example. A premier boutique law firm engaging in high-stakes commercial litigation has earned a reputation for handling some of the toughest, high profile cases. According to one of the firm’s partners, “Our practice had evolved to where managing ediscovery was becoming more of a daily requirement for our cases.”

But one of his main challenges—before he switched to using Disco’s ediscovery solution—was the wide fluctuations and surprises in pricing for ediscovery services.

“We would provide 100 gigabytes to the processing company at a cost of $200 a gig,” the attorney noted. “But what we thought was 100 gigabytes might actually turn out to be 200 or 300 gigabytes. All of a sudden, we’re hit with an enormous bill that we weren’t expecting—and one that we didn’t budget for and more importantly, a big bill that our client was very unhappy to see.”

Disco ediscovery, however, was a game-changer for this law firm. “While some litigation service folks were charging 200 dollars a gigabyte or more,” the partner explained, “Disco was only one-tenth of their cost. That immediately caught our attention!”

In addition, this boutique litigation firm found that Disco only charges for the gigabytes that are delivered to Disco—regardless of how much that data may expand out after processing.

“With Disco, I know exactly what the price is going to be to process a given volume of data,” he emphasized. “I can tell my client that this is what it’s going to cost, and recommend using Disco because I know that cost is not going to change. My clients have been delighted with that approach.“

Here’s a quick summary of the pricing value that Disco delivers.

Cost Savings - Disco is a fraction of the cost of competing ediscovery services.

Transparent Pricing - Disco charges for the gigabytes that are delivered to Disco, regardless of how much data that expands to in final form.

Client satisfaction – Your firm’s clients can be confident in predictable ediscovery costs.

Elimination of risk - Disco takes the risk and the mystery out of ediscovery costs from now on.

You can see for yourself how much Disco reduces the Total Cost of Ownership for ediscovery compared to in-house software systems by:

Watching this archived webinar where ediscovery expert Mike Simon demonstrates how to reduce ediscovery TCO by 50% or more.

Reading the white paper, “How to Lower Your Total Cost of Ownership for ediscovery by 65%: A Comparative Analysis”.

Seeing this short video featuring a partner at a boutique litigation firm describing how Disco helped reduce his ediscovery costs by a factor of five or more!

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