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A Message from Abacus Data Systems

A Case For the Cloud: Why Law Firms Should Stop Managing Technology

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Whether a sole practitioner or legal enterprise behemoth, law firms and legal entities of all sizes are faced with a surprisingly similar array of technology challenges. Paramount among these is the need to wrestle with increasingly aging infrastructure. Many entities utilize desktop solutions crafted for Windows XP or server-based applications running on Windows Server 2003 – both obsolete and no longer supported by Microsoft. Many other entities utilize UNIX-based systems so antiquated they have outlived their programmers as well as their programming. Since the mantra of most IT departments is “do more with less”, it has been difficult for many organizations to migrate to newer software and hardware platforms. Unfortunately, this often results in an IT death spiral – so much time is spent on fighting fires caused by obsolete technology that IT does not have the time to be a strategic partner adding bottom-line value to the firm. For smaller firms the problem is even worse. Most do not have any IT support at all, much less bookkeeping or HR – some have a friend or relative come in to try to balance the books and write the checks, while others rely on the most technically savvy attorney to cobble different pieces of hardware and software into a system that hopefully doesn’t let any matter or accounting-related issue fall through the cracks.

Many more attorneys and paralegals find themselves chained to their PCs for data entry into practice management, time tracking software, even email. In today’s highly mobile and social climate where tablets and smartphones seem to fall out of every pocket and attaché, legal practitioners want to utilize their own devices both to access information on the go and, increasingly, to input information from anywhere – home, courtroom or boardroom – with the same ease and efficiency of using their desktop or laptop computer. Download your free copy of A Case For The Cloud: Why Law Firms Should Stop Managing Technology And Focus On The Law.

About Abacus Data Systems

With Abacus Data Systems, Inc. your data is always yours – no matter what. If you should choose another provider in the future, we won’t hold your data hostage. But once you get your legal private cloud up and running, we think you’ll want to keep it around for a long time. What will your legal technology look like three years from now? Will your firm still be installing patches and upgrading servers, storage, networks and PCs to support the latest operating systems and application programs that drive the practice? Who knows what the cost of maintaining aging hardware and software will be? All of these headaches can be a thing of the past for your firm. To find out more or to get started on your path to Abacus Private Cloud visit us online.

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