ABA Journal


A Message from AbacusLaw

12 Proven Ways the Cloud Helps Law Firms Do More With Less

Is your firm spending too much time trying to solve technology problems?

No matter what size your firm is, the need for technology solutions is growing. But with an ever-expanding…

A Message from Henry Holt & Company

Eye-Opening Book About How the Roberts Court is Shaking the Foundation of Our Nation’s Laws

H. L. Mencken reputedly said, “For every complex problem, there is a solution that is simple, neat, and wrong.”

Understanding the Supreme Court undoubtedly qualifies as a “complex problem.” The…

A Message from Clio

Market Your Firm Online and Get More Clients in Your Door

Word of mouth has officially moved online. More than ever, clients are using review sites, social media, search engines, and legal blogs to find the right lawyer for them. It’s…

A Message from MyCase

Networking — A Necessary Part of Bringing in Business

Referrals always were and remain the bread and butter of a law practice. Connecting with your colleagues is one of the best ways to expand your referral network and obtain…

A Message from Amicus Attorney

Experts Reveal Their Secrets to Law Firm Success

Save Your Seat in Legal Practice Summer School

An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” — Benjamin Franklin

Change is the only constant, especially in the legal industry. Technologies…

A Message from Thomson Reuters

Clients Aren’t Impressed by Your Prestige: Why Law Firm Websites Are Designed to Fail

Have you ever said something like this to the group designing your website? “Make sure my website content makes me sound important to potential clients.” Or maybe you wanted to…

A Message from Thomson Reuters

Get Ahead in the Cloud: How & Why Hosted Data is ‘Sometimes’ Safer, Better

Are you still debating a move to “the cloud?” Thomson Reuters has released a free practice management article —in its Independent Thinking series—that…

A Message from Clio

How a Legal Practice Management Solution Can Save Your Firm

“The leading rule for the lawyer … is diligence. Leave nothing for tomorrow which can be done today. Never let your correspondence fall behind. Whatever piece of business you have…

A Message from Absio

When is it Ethically Responsible to Use Email—And When is it Not?

Attorneys have to make reasonable efforts to maintain the confidentiality of client information. In a 2014 LexisNexis survey, nearly 90% of legal professionals answered that their firms use email to…

A Message from Thomson Reuters

Tracking ROI: The Bottom Line on Litigation Software for Small Firms

You invest in technology under the premise that it will enable greater profitability in the end. But how do you know whether or not it succeeds? To make technology worth…

A Message from ShareFile

3 Things You Should Know About Mobile File Sharing

Mobility is no longer just a convenience in the workplace; it’s a necessity. More than half of all adults own smartphones, and at the…

A Message from Amicus Attorney

Top Five Secrets to Leaving Your Law Office Early

Waging War Against Late Nights and Law Firm Burn Out


This dreaded eight-word phrase is associated with more hard-feelings, regret and health…

A Message from WestlawNext

What Keeps Me Awake at Night?  It’s Not What You’d Guess

What keeps me awake at night is thinking about what I will get to do in the morning. Notice “get to” and not “have to”. Even after 46 years of…

A Message from JAMS

Five Tips to Managing Your International Arbitration

The complexities of a globalized economy increase the risk and frequency of cross-border commercial disputes. JAMS offers solutions for parties located in different jurisdictions to resolve their disputes. More Fortune…

A Message from Clio

Determining Value: 7 Questions for your Client

Long decried as a holdover from a bygone era, the billable hour has become a wedge between law firms and clients looking for a clear declaration of value from legal…

A Message from the American Bar Association

Five Ways to Improve Your Law Practice

Join the American Bar Association!

As one of the largest voluntary professional membership in the world, the ABA offers resources to every attorney. We invite you to take advantage…

A Message from the American Bar Association

Shocking Revelation About Your ABA Membership

You are not an ABA member!

We hope you’re enjoying your weekly ABA Journal Weekly Newsletter and we invite you to take advantage of our other ABA benefits with a…

A Message from Amicus Attorney

How to Build Multiple Streams of Referrals for your Law Firm

Plant the Seeds for Exponential Growth in Your Firm: New Report Shares Practical Strategies That You Can Implement Today

A Message from AbacusLaw

The 5 Biggest Mistakes Lawyers Make When Choosing a Cloud Service Provider (and How to Avoid Them)

In recent years, an increasingly large number of law firms are moving their software and data to the cloud. In fact, the ABA reported that the percentage of lawyers who…

A Message from JAMS

Five Things You Didn’t Know about Arbitration

Arbitration is by no means a new option for resolving disputes. Yet, parties and their counsel…

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